Writers International Edition


Mother Earth’s Pain: Poem by Austin Ajit

Our agony-filled mother
Whose children we tend to slaughter.
Who weeps for humans’ self-indulgence?
Zillions of critters are lost
To our inhuman deeds.
To our ceaseless needs.
But ! Mother’s smile is what we need.
Hey Human!
You are not superior!
We wholly make ecosystem.
Handle us with respect.
If not Mamma will be enraged.

I dream of a homeland
All stand hands in hand
Grin and triumphant everywhere.
Peace and tenderness everywhere.

Poem by
Austin Ajit
© Austin Ajit

Austin Ajit is a 9-year-old child from Bangalore. He is a young author, naturalist, artist, storyteller, and avid reader. At the age of 8, he penned and published his first book titled ‘Grandma And Austin’s Plant Kingdom’ and his second book titled ‘Austin’s Dino World’ at the age of 9. He holds the record as the youngest author in various categories from ‘Harvard World Records – London’, the ‘India Book of Records’ and the ‘International Book of Records’. He has also received Ukiyoto Literary Awards, India Education Awards, India’s Independent Inspiration Child awards and recognized by various other literary forums.



Dipped my brush in hue and made strokes,
Strokes which conceive ideas and thoughts
Thoughts I put forth on my canvas,
And seldom I fall in love with my creations!
A Nazarene lad came alive on my canvas,
The happy shepherd who leads his folks to wisdom.
I adore the Omnipotent for his ideals and principles
The brave heart who pledged his life for love.
I took my brush and gently applied the hue of love
The tip of his nose was warm and beautiful
He has a half smile on his lips which is yet to complete…
I felt a throb on the bristle which sustained my fingertips
My heart raised and my hands trembled
as he stared at me
Did I hurt the tranquillity in your eyes, Rabbi?
All barriers surpass the norms of the portrait
But it’s arbitrary …I contented.
The unfamiliar glance perplexed me
I wailed as the canvas was empty the day next.!
I wandered on the banks of the sea of Galeeli for a glance and..
To pick up a word
The dialect of Aramaic which my shepherd spoke.
Behold lady … repent and never sin again.!
I have sinned..but
The first stone…must be from the people
who have never sinned!

Poem by 
Briji K T
© Briji KT


I AM STILL ALIVE: Poem by Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević

I have not been allowed
To find my imagined horizons
Neither harmonious place nor time,
Neither hoping nor action;
All my grand hopes
Got turned into ice
With blood that painted horrors
Within the days which were swelling
In the inflicted wounds.
My dream with which I confirm you
Was stolen from me
While I was facing the earth.
My bird was turned into ashes
On the thorn of a song
With which I was proving
Your existence
To the sky.
My flower that was opening your fresh smile
Was cut off with a sharp scythe.
I was forced to outlive the death,
To forget my friends, lost in the darkness,
To forgive all the betrayals,
All slanders,
All departures,
And to give up whatever was existing,
My salt, my bread,
And my communion wine.
I was lashed
For not washing away
Your hands from me
That I loved so, being exalted
With the outlines of evening.
Even after the night
had calmed my being,
I only wanted to get relaxed
With all these humble thoughts
About new tomorrow,
About sorrows that I am a human,
About the woman that loves me,
About a field ploughed up, about the death of grains
I would have given as a present, all pure,
With everything being in order,
In its place,
Just like once it used to be.

Poem by
Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević
© Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević

About the Author

Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević was born on August 23, 1963, in Sremska Mitrovica, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, to father Dragiša and mother Slavka as the first and only child. He spent his childhood in the village on the poverty-stricken property of his hardworking and dedicated parents. He finished high school in his hometown and, due to poverty, immediately started working at the paper factory “Matroz” in his hometown, but he did not give up self-education, so as a young man he gave himself very selflessly to the works of great masters of literature, making himself a good connoisseur of the works of Alexander Herzen, Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov, Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, William Shakespeare, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Hermann Hesse, Immanuel Kant, Charles Baudelaire, Franz Kafka, Iva Ande Selimović, Miloš Crnjanski, Rabindranath Tagore, Jalaluddin Rumi, Hafiz of Shiraz, Seren Kierkegaard, philosophers of Greek and Roman culture, not neglecting Eastern sages and many other important creators in the field of literary and philosophical creation. Thanks to that fact, he started writing moderate poetry early, which is available to readers with less education, and later he focused on love-reflexive poetry, where he found himself completely, so his last published collections of poetry are masterpieces of poetry, in the opinion of critics and readers.

Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević has a vision of a harmonious life for future humanity, which is based on the belief that artistic beauty will destroy evil and reconcile all the contradictions of human existence. For these reasons, he is very popular among poets, philosophers, and visual and dramatic artists, and the readership rewards him with a voluntary reading of his works. Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević – as a novelist, he has written several novels to date, but due to his material poverty, he has failed to publish them all. Because of the novel “Wolves of Faith”, he is ignored by religious communities that still do not give up discrimination against this quality, persistent and loving creator, and only because of the fact that Mika “dismantled sin” and thus presented the essence of faith to blinded believers. And as we have noted he, notwithstanding criticism and controversy, does not give up the constant struggle for justice and equality, love as a lasting value that can only be preserved through respect for one another.

Poem by Mohamed Azumee 

GIRL: Poem by Mohamed Azumee 

She looked through her window, but what was in front of her-

Was not the green of a garden nor the blues of the ocean;

Just bars forming a cell, confining her to prison.

The very prison that she had been living in

That snatched away her freedom;

Her right to wear the attire she desired,

Her birthright to smile at someone she admired,

Her right to talk…! 

Her beautiful voice silenced by traditions and customs, 

Her fear to speak up to her parents,

Who she feared and loved.

Ironically, love was not enough,

But now she has to make a stand,

For no child should have it rough or tough,

To put both her feet firmly on the ground 

And say with pride that she wants to be her own voice,

To be able to make her own choice,

To have equal freedom and rights 

As you and I have, as her brothers have.

Not to be judged for her sense of humor, 

For she has a charming laugh that could touch a soul- 

with a desire to pass on hope, to live 

and willingly give to the rest of humanity.

She is the soul we thank for conveying the message- 

of unity, equality, humanity, and empathy.

Putting an end to modern-day slavery with nothing but the intimacy of love,

My dear loved ones, this is the 21st century

Where the world has suffered enough with gun violence 

and losses beyond our comprehension.

We may not live here an eternity, 

so let us make a difference in saving humanity.

This is the 21st century; she must save her life,

Fight for her right to be alive, her right to read and write,

the right of each and every innocent child.

Her right, her freedom to see beyond the light.

Mohamed Azumee
©Mohamed Azumee

A LITTLE BEFORE TURNING SIXTY: Poem by Alkyoni Papadakis

A little before turning 60 I learnt to love my every cell.
To balance between my needs and my wants without swaying.
To have confidence in myself without requiring anyone’s confirmation.
To accept myself with all those things I did right, but also with my mistakes.
To make my own choices without any interference by others.
I learnt to dream without being afraid.
To hope without becoming a coward.
To give myself without spending me in the process.
I learnt that the greatest values ​​of our lives
are hidden in the smallest and everyday things.
The most beautiful moments I share with people who deserve them.
The most important ones are those moments that carry bits of our souls.
And the most beautiful ones are those that shaped our existence.
Just before turning 60 I learnt to estimate people through actions –
not through words.
I estimate them all in the end – not at the beginning of our acquaintance.
I accept them as they are without trying to change them.
I enjoy my solitude. I enjoy my sorrows.
I coexist harmoniously with my fears and my weaknesses.
I give myself unconditionally. I love without limitations.
I feel without barriers and boundaries. I trust without doubt.
I learnt that mistakes are human weaknesses and forgiveness is a great power.
I know that the greatest wealth on this earth is within us.
That people that have suffered the most are the ones with the most wonderful smile.
The most dignified are those who hide their tears in their brightest gaze.
And the happiest are those who have discovered themselves.
We have learnt the biggest lessons from the people who have passed
through our life.
The most beautiful piece of knowledge is the one given to us by experience.
Each of our wounds is also a badge of wisdom.
Our every pain is a prize of courage and endurance.
Every new day is a divine gift and a great blessing.
I learned to say NO to others where I have to say YES to me.
I have learnt to get away with dignity from where I am redundant.
I learnt not to accept any demoting regarding my morals or dignity.
I learnt to cherish my peace of mind and take care of my physical health.
I colour the canvas of my life with beautiful colours that warm my existence.
I recognize my limits. I tame my patience. I keep my cool.
I review daily my opinions and I respect the opinions of others.
I look behind people’s sad looks. I observe from behind closed shutters.
I listen behind blocked silences.
Just before turning 60 I learnt… what a beautiful short journey our life is
A journey with a wonderful view.
It is sufficient for us to open the windows of our soul and face the world every day.
Because happiness is a lifestyle!


Λίγο πριν απο τα 60 έμαθα να αγαπώ κάθε μου κύτταρο.
Να ισορροπώ ανάμεσα στα πρέπει και στα θέλω μου
χωρίς να ταλαντεύομαι.
Να έχω εμπιστοσύνη στον εαυτό μου
χωρίς την επιβεβαίωση κανενός.
Να με αποδέχομαι με τα σωστά και τα λάθη μου.
Να κάνω τις δικές μου επιλογές χωρίς ξένες παρεμβάσεις.
Έμαθα να ονειρεύομαι χωρίς να φοβάμαι.
Να ελπίζω χωρίς να δειλιάζω.
Να δίνομαι χωρίς να ξοδεύομαι.
Έμαθα πως οι μεγαλύτερες αξίες της ζωής μας
είναι κρυμμένες στα πιο μικρά και καθημερινά πράγματα.
Τις ομορφότερες στιγμές τις μοιράζομαι
με ανθρώπους που τις αξίζουν.
Οι πιο σημαντικές είναι εκείνες που έχουν κάτι από την ψυχή μας.
Και οι ωραιότερες εκείνες που χάραξαν την ύπαρξη μας.
Λίγο πριν τα 60 έμαθα να μετρώ τους ανθρώπους με πράξεις
και όχι με λόγια.
Να τους υπολογίζω όλους στο τέλος
και όχι στην αρχή της γνωριμίας μας.
Να τους αποδέχομαι όπως είναι και να μην προσπαθώ να τους αλλάξω.
Απολαμβάνω την μοναχικότητα μου. Διασκεδάζω τις λύπες μου.
Συνυπάρχω αρμονικά με τους φόβους και τις αδυναμίες μου.
Δίνομαι χωρίς όρους. Αγαπάω χωρίς περιορισμούς.
Νιώθω χωρίς φραγμούς και όρια. Εμπιστεύομαι χωρίς αμφιβολίες.
Έμαθα πως τα λάθη είναι ανθρώπινες αδυναμίες και η ‘’συγνώμη’’ μεγάλη δύναμη.
Πως ο μεγαλύτερος πλούτος σ ‘αυτή τη γη βρίσκεται μέσα μας.
Ότι οι πιο πληγωμένοι άνθρωποι είναι αυτοί με το πιο υπέροχο χαμόγελο.
Οι πιο αξιοπρεπείς είναι εκείνοι που κρύβουν
τα δάκρυα τους στο πιο λαμπερό τους βλέμμα.
Και οι πιο ευτυχισμένοι αυτοί που ανακάλυψαν τον εαυτό τους.
Τα μεγαλύτερα μαθήματα τα έχουμε διδαχθεί
απο τους ανθρώπους που έχουν περάσει από την ζωή μας.
Τις πιο όμορφες γνώσεις, μας τις έχουν δώσει οι εμπειρίες μας.
Κάθε πληγή μας είναι και ένα παράσημο σοφίας.
Κάθε μας πόνος κι ένα βραβείο ανδρείας και αντοχής.
Κάθε νέα μας μέρα ένα Θείο δώρο και μία μεγάλη ευλογία.
Έμαθα, να λέω ΟΧΙ στους άλλους εκεί που πρέπει να λέω ΝΑΙ σε μένα.
Να αποχωρώ αξιοπρεπώς από εκεί που περισσεύω.
Να μην επιδέχομαι μειώσεις στο ήθος και στην αξιοπρέπεια μου.
Να διατηρώ την ψυχική μου ηρεμία. Να φροντίζω την σωματική μου υγεία.
Χρωματίζω τον πίνακα της ζωής μου
μέ όμορφα χρώματα που ζεσταίνουν την ύπαρξη μου.
Αναγνωρίζω τα όρια μου. Δαμάζω την υπομονή μου.
Κρατάω την ψυχραιμία μου. Αναθεωρώ καθημερινά τις απόψεις μου
και σέβομαι τις απόψεις των άλλων.
Κοιτάω πίσω από τα θλιμμένα βλέμματα.
Παρατηρώ πίσω από τα κλειστά παντζούρια.
Ακούω πίσω από φραγμένες σιωπές.
Λίγο πριν τα 60 έμαθα… πως είναι ένα όμορφο
και σύντομο ταξίδι η ζωή μας με υπέροχη θέα.
Φτάνει να ανοίγεις τα παράθυρα της ψυχής σου
και να αντικρίζεις καθημερινά τον κόσμο.
Γιατί η ευτυχία είναι στάση ζωής!

Poem by
Alkyoni Papadakis/Αλκυόνη Παπαδάκη

A LITTLE BEFORE TURNING SIXTY - Poem by Alkyoni Papadakis

A LITTLE BEFORE TURNING SIXTY – Poem by Alkyoni Papadakis

A little before turning 60 I learnt to love my every cell.
To balance between my needs and my wants without swaying.
To have confidence in myself without requiring anyone’s confirmation.
To accept me for all those things I did right, but also for my mistakes.

To make my own choices without any interference from others.
I learnt to dream without being afraid,
To hope without becoming a coward.
To give me without spending me in the process.

I learnt that the greatest values ​​of our lives-
Are hidden in the smallest and everyday things.
The most beautiful moments I share with people who deserve them.
The most important ones are those moments that carry bits of our souls.

And the most beautiful ones are those that shaped our existence.
Just before turning 60, I learnt to estimate people through actions –
Not through words.
I estimate them all in the end – not at the beginning of our acquaintance.

I accept them as they are without trying to change them.
I enjoy my solitude. I enjoy my sorrows.
I coexist harmoniously with my fears and my weaknesses.
I give myself unconditionally, I love without limitations.

I feel without barriers and boundaries, I trust without a doubt.
I learnt that mistakes are human weaknesses and forgiveness is a great power.
I know that the greatest wealth on this earth is within us.
That people that have suffered the most are the ones with the most wonderful smile.

The most dignified are those who hide their tears in their brightest gaze.
And the happiest are those who have discovered themselves.
We have learnt the biggest lessons from the people who have passed through our life.
The most beautiful piece of knowledge is the one given to us by experience.

Each of our wounds is also a badge of wisdom.
Our every pain is a prize of courage and endurance.
Every new day is a divine gift and a great blessing.
I learned to say NO to others where I have to say YES to myself.

I have learnt to get away with dignity from where I am redundant.
I learnt not to accept any demoting regarding my morals or dignity.
I learned to cherish my peace of mind and take care of my physical health.
I colour the canvas of my life with beautiful colours that warm my existence.

I recognize my limits. I tame my patience. I keep my cool.
I review daily my opinions and I respect the opinions of others.
I look behind people’s sad looks. I observe from behind closed shutters.
I listen behind blocked silences.

Just before turning 60, I learnt… what a beautiful short journey our life is!
A journey with a wonderful view.
It is sufficient for us to open the windows of our souls and face the world every day,
Because happiness is a lifestyle!

Alkyoni Papadakis
(renowned Greek author)
©Alkyoni Papadakis


Poem by Navneet Grewal

MATERNAL ROLES : Poem by Navneet Grewal

Today it asks for more
a part of me it takes ashore
mutating which each bond
a celebration to denounce duly

awkward requests piercing her existence
yet a sage of sacrificing in bits
aghast with what the mirror reflects
she bleeds to cleanse her soul

anticipating the burlesque pittance
a pedestal crooked visualizing it all
in all ages
in all phases
in every part
in every role

admonish to oscillate
this life in a repeat
to and fro her pendulum ticks
a vape of unending more

she stands in spaces
to be clustered again
with the emotional chores
I am different
I am me
a humor insolent in every roar
completing so many incapacitated
this treasure of virtues sure

a panacea
an amrit
sprinkled in every core

on the boundaries sitting helplessly
cheering the war, she knows she can’t win
yet dutifully dressing
each rival before
yet lovingly dressing
each loved one before.

Navneet Grewal

©Navneet Gill Grewal

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER poem by vaslilici

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER : Poem by Vasiliki Dragouni

Darkness is approaching my window,
looks thoughtfully at my tangled hands
and withdraws into silence.

You live there now, where you can hear the voices of the sea,
where you can wear snow like a garment around your shadow.
You wander in the twilight of strange dreams
like an angel who lost her way.
You move like a flash of light in the river at the edge of sunset.
You recall the memories of trees in the loneliness of autumn
and then you withdraw into silence like an absence.

I speak to you through the universe of silent things
with the white vowels of the sky.
Here, in a landscape of hearing where languages ​​hush
I won’t be waiting for you to answer me.
Here, where I can hear your voice
calling me out of sleep as the other side of aether,
there is no need to hug me anymore.

I look out of my window at night constellations
searching in the abyss for your fading face.
I believe in what has not been said yet, mother.

Poem by :
Vasiliki Dragouni
Vasiliki Dragouni

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER poem by vaslilici

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER: Poem by Vasiliki Dragouni

Darkness is approaching my window,
looks thoughtfully at my tangled hands
and withdraws into silence.

You live there now, where you can hear the voices of the sea,
where you can wear snow-like a garment around your shadow.
You wander in the twilight of strange dreams
like an angel who lost her way.
You move like a flash of light in the river at the edge of sunset.
You recall the memories of trees in the loneliness of autumn
and then you withdraw into silence like an absence.

I speak to you through the universe of silent things
with the white vowels of the sky.
Here, in a landscape of hearing where languages ​​hush
I won’t be waiting for you to answer me.
Here, where I can hear your voice
calling me out of sleep as the other side of aether,
there is no need to hug me anymore.

I look out of my window at night constellations
searching in the abyss for your fading face.
I believe in what has not been said yet, mother.

Poem by
Vasiliki Dragouni
© Vasiliki Dragouni 2022


dr. shalini yadavProf. Dr. Laksmisree Banerjee is an established Poet, Writer, Editor, Literary Critic, Educationist, Humanist, International Scholar, Rotarian (a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow) & practicing Vocalist, with many National and International Awards, Assignments, Books & Publications to her credit. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar, Commonwealth Scholar and a National Scholar in English from the Calcutta University, India. A University Professor of English, Poetry & Cultural Studies, an Ex-Vice Chancellor of Kolhan University, she has taught, lectured & recited in Universities and Literary Festivals across the globe. She has been widely anthologized with Eight Books of Poetry (the Ninth and Tenth forthcoming) One Hundred Twenty Research Publications and Several Academic Books. Of the many Awards she has received, a special few need to be mentioned viz. Sahitya Akademi’s “Avishkar” Honour for her multiple expertise, cited as “A Scholar-Artiste and Poet-Musician”, her UGC Postdoctoral Research Award for her path-breaking Literary Work on the Comparative Studies of World Women Poets, the Honour of The Connossiuer of Creative & Literary Arts by the Tunisian-Asian Poetic Society, the Kala-Ratnam Award and the Reuel International Lifetime Achievement Award 2021,among others. Dr. Banerjee happens to be the Indian Rashtrapati’s Nominee on Boards of Central Universities & believes in using her Pen and Voice for Social Justice, Transformation, Peace & International Understanding.

I PAINT: Poem by Smaragdi Mitropoulou

Ι paint
a sun …
a basil on the windowsill…
and a love among the bougainvillaeas.
Ι paint
a well with water
to quench your thirst
a nightingale to sing to you
and a moon
to keep you company at night
not to be afraid.
I paint
a road full of stars
a path full of dreams
and a golden line to show you the way.
I’m waiting for you
the clocks broke tonight
I’m waiting for you
and I paint hope


έναν ήλιο..
έναν βασιλικό στο περβάζι…
κι έναν έρωτα ανάμεσα στις βουκαμβίλιες.
ένα πηγάδι με νερό
να σβήσεις τη δίψα σου
ένα αηδόνι να σου τραγουδά
κι ένα φεγγάρι
να σου κρατά τις νύχτες συντροφιά
να μη φοβάσαι.
ένα δρόμο σπαρμένο άστρα
ένα μονοπάτι σπαρμένο όνειρα
και μια χρυσή ακτίνα να σου δείχνει το δρόμο.
Σε περιμένω….
σπάσανε απόψε του χρόνου τα ρολόγια…
Σε περιμένω…
και ζωγραφίζω την ελπίδα….

Σμαραγδή Μητροπούλου

Poem by
Smaragdi Mitropoulou
© Smaragdi Mitropoulou

About the author

Smaragdi Mitropoulou was born in Athens. She has studied history and archaeology at the University of Athens and had postgraduate history studies at the University of Cardiff, in Great Britain. She serves in secondary education. She is also a CreativeWriting graduate (Diploma in Creative Writing) from the Writers’ Bureau College(Manchester, UK), and has studied theatre writing at the International TheaterInstitute and directing at the Foundation of Culture in Tinos island. She has received awards in Greece and abroad for her poetry and prose. Also, she is a Programme Coordinator & Member of the Executive Board of Writers Capital InternationalFoundation. So far, she has written six books, which have been published and launched in Greece. Two of them, “One moment just an eternity” and “Sounds in the
Silence” was translated into English and was published in 2020 and 2021respectively by the English Ontime Books Publishing House. Her poetry has been translated into Bengali, Chinese, Taiwanese and Spanish language and has been published in online and print magazines in the Philippines, China and Taiwan, Mexico, Chile and Peru.