
Writers International Edition

The Journey: Poem by Montzerrat Licona

En este viaje de reencuentro y verdad,
Es tú amor mi experiencia y libertad,
Sumergiéndote en mi profundidad,
Soy polvo de arena de este universo en unidad.

Rió de amor y agua viva,
Estas destinado a fluir y llegar al mar de la vida,
Profunda tu mirada, vasto océano y llegada,
Quietud y viento de plenitud manifestada.

Me sumerjo y encuentro, vacío y silencio,
Dónde todo surge de nuestro encuentro,
En el rojizo cielo cansado del atardecer,
Te sumerges en mi humeda piel hasta el amanecer.

Libre cielo azul… Eres tú,
Impregnando mi cuerpo,
Con tu entrega y plenitud,
Nuestro es el mar, el viento y el tiempo.


On this journey of reunion and truth,
Your love is my experience and freedom,
Submerging you in my depth,
I am sand dust of this universe in unity.

River of love and living water,
You are destined to flow and reach the sea of ​​life,
Deep your gaze, vast ocean and
Stillness and wind of fullness manifested.

I submerge and find, emptiness and silence,
Where everything arises from our meeting,
In the reddish tired evening sky,
You immerse yourself in my humid skin until dawn.

Free blue sky… It’s you,
permeating my body
With your dedication and fullness,
Ours is the sea, the wind and the weather.

Poem by
Montzerrat Licona
Painting Courtesy: Amal Augustine 

About the Author

Montzerrat Licona is a Mexican Neuropsychologist, Researcher, and Writer, born in Jalisco, Mexico. She holds a master’s degree in Cognitive Behavioral Neuropsychology of Neurodevelopment. Montzerrat is the author of the Best Seller “Being, love and conscious sexuality; 7 arts of your mind” and “The voice of the wind in silence,” in addition to contributing to various anthologies and literary magazines. She is the Director and founder of the Conscious Neuropsychological Center in Human Development and an active member of the Royal International Academy and the National and International Institute of the Society of Arts. Montzerrat also serves as the Head of Communications and Coordinator in Mexico of the Writers Capital Foundation.

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Irene Doura
Irene Doura
1 year ago

Beautiful poem!

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