Writers International Edition

TARGET: Poem by Aneek Chatterjee

Evening wraps up the day and
unfolds a long night.
The old eagle finally settles down
on the big, tall tree.
In this juncture of orange lights,
someone whispers:
the night ahead is long;
try to sail through the night.
And I get ready with my bow
and arrow to target adikia,
fear, holocaust, charade.

In the morning, after a long
sleepless night, I find all
arrows are targetting me.

Poem by
Aneek Chatterjee
© Aneek Chatterjee 2023

Aneek Chatterjee is a poet and academic. He has published more than five hundred poems in reputed literary magazines and anthologies across the globe. He has authored and edited 16 books including four poetry collections and a novel. Chatterjee has a PhD in International Relations and he has been teaching at leading Indian and foreign universities. He was a Fulbright Visting Professor at the University of Virginia, USA and a recipient of the prestigious ICCR Chair (Govt of India) to teach abroad. His poetry has been archived at Yale University. Contact: akchatjee@gmail.com

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