Writers International Edition

Walking on the Trails: Poem by Dr Shalini Yadav

Real or Surreal
Deceptive or True
It seems vice versa
Whenever I think of a Walk
On the trails of Muir Woods…

Sunshine reaches
To brown humus-rich gravel loam
Making its way through Redwood trees
And my heart delights
The serenity of Woods…

Burnt by fire and wind
Chopped by deceiving human
Yet standing still like my little heart
With all its grandeur
Being ancient and tallest in all…

Healing the beauty of Woods
Exoticizing my Soul
Surpassing all draughts and diseases
Thousands of tempests, floods and avalanches
A survivor in all…

I wish to walk with You
For the joy of mesmeric Woods;
Where you sing some musical strings
Dwelling me deep in your love-lexis…

Poem by
Dr Shalini Yadav
© Shalini Yadav 2023

Dr Shalini Yadav holds a PhD in Post-colonial Literature and M. Phil in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Rajasthan, India. Additionally, she has done a course in Advanced Creative Writing from the University of Oxford, UK. She has progressive teaching experience of 16 years at the University level in India, Libya and Saudi Arabia. She has participated and presented papers in many conferences and seminars, chaired sessions and delivered lectures across the tenure. She has edited and authored various books including Reconnoitring Postcolonial Literature, Emerging Psyche of Women: A Feminist Perspective, On the Wings of Life: Women Writing Womanhood, Postcolonial Transition and Cultural Dialectics, Communication Techniques and A Text Book of English for Engineers. Besides, she is a freelance writer whose creative writing publications include three poetry books in English Floating Haiku, Kinship With You: A Collection of Poems, Till the End of Her Subsistence: An Anthology of Poems, and one in Hindi language entitled Kshitiz Ke Us Paar. She has recently edited an anthology of poetry titled Across the Seas. Many of her short stories and poems are published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and anthologies; besides, she is member of various virtual poetry and literary societies. She keeps reading her poems and short stories at various national and international poetry carnivals. She has meticulously written and also reviewed a big number of scholarly research articles for various National and International refereed journals and edited volumes. She is also an efficacious member of the editorial boards of various qualitative journals of various countries. She is the editor of the open page at Writers International Edition.

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