
Writers International Edition


‘Restarting from culture’ by the ‘“L’ Inedito Letterario” Association to be held from 7-8 May in Pineto, Italy

‘Restarting from culture’ is the title of the initiative envisioned and implemented by the ‘L’Inedito Letterario’ Association in Pineto. The event is taking place from 9.00 to 19.00 on the ground floor of Villa Filiani as an opportunity for the community to get acquainted with cultural reality and with the participating Abruzzo authors and activists.

The Association deals with the dissemination of the creative art of spontaneous writing in an effort to promote new literary talents through initiatives taking place either online or physically. During the programme, a literary project aimed at schools will also be presented. The initiative is under the auspices of the Municipality of Pineto


After the formal address Franco Santoro, Vice-President of the “Literary Inedito”, will be speaking on the role and commitments of the Association, the publishing house, the editorial philosophy and mission, the spontaneity of the literary movement and the “Zero” issue of the literary magazine of the same name.

Stella Chiavaroli and Yvonne Pincelli, organizer of the initiative, will present the book “Grand tour in white heat”. The presentation of the painters of the covers of the Literary Inedito will follow. Next is scheduled for the presentation of the book: “If I read Spinoza, I’m happy” by the author Marco lannucci, followed by the presentation of the books nominated for Campiello 2022 by the authors Marco Belli, Andrea Marchetti and Grazia Mazzeo.

Stefano Ciccone, author in the theological field, will then present his book: “The first seven days of the world”. The event will resume at 3 pm with the books presented at Campiello in 2020 and 2021 by the authors Fabio Martini and Massimo Ferretti. Elisa Mascia and the poets of the Inedito Letterario will speak during the event.
At 5 pm Jacopo Rubini, for “Opaca Fronde” will present “The moon and the mantle: haiku poetry and the spirit of things”. A focus on the world of literature for schools will follow through a meeting with teachers, children and parents. The closure is entrusted to Franco Santoro, who will talk about “Synergies with other organizations, the choices for the future”.

“We have sponsored this initiative with conviction”, explains Ernesto Iezzi, Managing Director for Culture of the Municipality of Pineto, “acknowledging the topics covered and the purpose of the association. There will be many authors and artists present, whom I thank, and it will be an opportunity for the public to get to know their works and realise the importance of cultural promotion. Congratulations to Yvonne Pincelli on this event “.


As part of the two-day cultural event with the slogan: “RESTARTING FROM CULTURE” and after years of studies and historical research by Geom. Umberto Persichillo, on Sunday 8 May, the following event will take place:

Sunday 8 May from 16.00 to 18.00 – Conference Room


4.15 pm Presentation of the book by the publisher Dr. Fabio Martini;
4 pm Opening address by the Mayor Dr. Peppino Ferrante;
4.30 pm Speech by the author Umberto Persichillo;
4.45 pm Musical break with the singer Teresa Minnillo from Milan;
5.10 pm Speech by Professor Ada Palladino;
5.30 pm Speech by Senator Prof. Giuseppe Astore;
5.50 pm Closing of the programme by the Mayor Dr. Peppino Ferrante.


The month of May is not only the month of nature’s rebirth and the making of May Day wreaths, but also the month of significant celebrations, some happy such as Mother’s Day, but others bloody such as the tobacco workers’ strike in Thessaloniki in 1936. It symbolizes the rights of the workers around the world for a better life.

The month of May is named after the ancient Greek goddess Maia, the goddess of fertility and re-birth. Maia was the daughter of Atlas (the Titan condemned to hold up the celestial heavens for eternity after the Titanomachy) and Pleione, the Oceanid nymph. She lived by herself in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. She was the eldest of the seven Pleiades that make up the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Zeus secretly slept with Maia and she gave birth to Hermes, the god of trade, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, etc. Hesiod, in his Theogony, refers to this: And Maia, the daughter of Atlas, bore to Zeus glorious Hermes, the herald of the deathless gods, for she went up into his holy bed. Besides giving birth to Hermes, Maia raised the infant Arcas, son of Zeus and the nymph Callisto. The Prefecture of Arcadia in the Peloponnese is named after him. In Greek, Maia means midwife. Aeschylus, the ancient Greek tragedian, identifies Maia the nursing mother with Gaia, the Earth.

May is not only the month in which nature goes wild and fills the land with flowers, but also the month that signifies the struggle of the workers for better pay, an eight-hour working day, health cover and a pension at the end of their working lives. The first day of May is a day on which the workers throughout the world celebrate International Labour Day. The date commemorates the Haymarket riot, which took place in Chicago on 4 May 1886. In Greece, the first Labour Day demonstration was held in 1893 in Athens at the initiative of the Central Socialist Society of Stavros Kallergis.

Another milestone in the workers’ struggle for better working conditions in Greece is the tobacco workers strike in Thessaloniki, which began on May 8th 1936. They wanted an increase in their wages from 75 drachma to 135 drachma in accordance to an agreement that had been signed in 1924, but which had never been enforced. Many workers actually worked without getting paid so that they could at least be eligible for health care. Besides the tobacco workers, other unions went on strike with similar demands. The police confronted this massive strike by opening fire on the protesters. The confrontation finally ended on May 14 when tobacco industrialists agreed to the worker’s demands and the government agreed to compensate the victims’ families. The ending of the riots showed 12 dead and over 200 injured.

The photograph of the mother of Tasos Tousis, one of the strikers, lamenting over the body of her dead child as it lay on a makeshift stretcher that his co-workers had put together, inspired the poet Yiannis Ritsos to write the poem Epitaphios. The scene brought to mind the lament of Virgin Mary over the body of Christ when he was brought down from the Cross. Yiannis Ritsos wrote Epitaphios in ten days. He sent it to Mikis Theodorakis in 1958 who put it to music. The songs were first sung by Grigoris Bithikotsis. The work Epitaphios was basically banned from being performed publicly until 1974 when Democracy was reinstated in Greece after the fall of the Junta and the imprisonment of Colonel Papadopoulos and the other army offices involved in the enforcing of the dictatorship between 21 April 1967 and July 1974.

Below, is a part of the poem from Epitaphios by Giannis Ritsos, translated into English followed by the Greek.

On a day in May, you left me, on that May day I lost you,
in springtime you loved so well, my son, when you went upstairs,
To the sun-drenched roof and looked out and your eyes never had
their fill of drinking in the light of the whole wide world at large.
With your manly voice so sweet and so warm, you recounted
as many things as all the pebbles strewn along the seashore.
My son, you told me that all these wonderful things will be ours,
but now your light has died out, our brightness and fire are gone.

Μέρα Μαγιού μου μίσεψες, μέρα Μαγιού σε χάνω,
άνοιξη, γιε, που άρπαγες κι ανέβαινες απάνω
Στο λιακωτό και κοίταζες και δίχως να χορταίνεις
άρμεγες με τα μάτια σου το φως της οικουμένης
Και με το δάχτυλο απλωτό μου τάδειχνες ένα-ένα
τα όσα γλυκά, τα όσα καλά κι αχνά και ροδισμένα
Και μούδειχνες τη θάλασσα να φέγγει πέρα, λάδι,
και τα δέντρα και τα βουνά στο γαλανό μαγνάδι
Και τα μικρά και τα φτωχά, πουλιά, μερμήγκια, θάμνα,
κι αυτές τις διαμαντόπετρες που ίδρωνε δίπλα η στάμνα.
Μα, γιόκα μου, κι αν μούδειχνες τ’ αστέρια και τα πλάτια,
τάβλεπα εγώ πιο λαμπερά στα θαλασσιά σου μάτια.
Και μου ιστορούσες με φωνή γλυκειά, ζεστή κι αντρίκια
τόσα όσα μήτε του γιαλού δε φτάνουν τα χαλίκια
Και μούλεες γιε, πως όλ’ αυτά τα ωραία θάναι δικά μας,
και τώρα εσβήστης κ’ έσβησε το φέγγος κ’ η φωτιά μας.

Article by Despena Dalmaris
© Despena Dalmaris 2022

About the author

I grew up in Sydney Australia and as a teacher of English, writing has always been a part of my life. I have always been interested in the history, culture, and traditions of my country of origin, Greece. After my marriage I had the opportunity to return to Greece and settle in Athens. This enabled me to travel around Greece and gave me the incentive to write short articles about the different places I visited, trying to highlight the history as well as the traditions and the mythology that relates to them. I began my blog: Greece through Despena’s Eyes so that my articles could be read by those who had an interest in Greece.