Περιστρεφόμαστε εδώ κι εκεί χωρίς ουσία.
Μακρινό όνειρο μοιάζει η ευτυχία.
Περιστρεφόμαστε σα να ‘μαστε σπουδαίοι
πολύξεροι μα κανένας μας δεν φταίει.
Περιστρεφόμαστε ορθώνοντας το “Εγώ” μας
στην ομίχλη της ζωής, κάνοντάς το πιο δυνατό.
Περιστρεφόμαστε λέγοντας το πιο μεγάλο ψέμα
για το φίλο μας, το διπλανό μας, για Εσένα.
Περιστρεφόμαστε εγώ, εσύ κι οι άλλοι
αλλόφρονες στου ανέμου την παραζάλη.
Περιστρεφόμαστε δείχνοντας πόσο μας θαυμάζουν
άλαλο το ακροατήριο, χλωμά πρόσωπα κοιτάζουν.
Περιστρεφόμαστε αρπάζοντας ότι μπορούμε
κοινωνική απληστία οτιδήποτε κι αν βρούμε.
Περιστρεφόμαστε για να βολευόμαστε
τον ύπνο του δικαίου να κοιμόμαστε!
Περιστρεφόμαστε για τ΄ άθλια επιτεύγματα μας
καιρός να δούμε τα κρίματά μας!
Γιώργος Σαρδέλης
We spin
We spin as if we are important,
All-knowing, yet no one is to blame.
We spin, raising our “Ego,”
In the fog of life, making it stronger.
We spin, telling the biggest lie
About our friend, our neighbor, about You.
We spin, you, I, and the others,
Frenzied in the whirlwind of the wind.
We spin, showing how admired we are,
The audience mute, pale faces staring.
We spin, grabbing whatever we can,
Social greed—anything we find.
We spin, to make ourselves comfortable,
Sleeping the sleep of the just!
We spin for our miserable achievements,
It’s time to see our sins!
Poem By
Giorgos Sardelis
About the Poet
Giorgos Sardelis, an economist, professor, writer, and poet from Thessaloniki, seamlessly integrates his professional expertise with his literary passions. After studying economics at the University of Macedonia, he has built a successful career as a financial consultant, business administrator, and media financial analyst, while also serving as a professor of economics. Alongside his career, Sardelis is deeply committed to social causes, advocating for human welfare and inclusivity. He explores personal development through his role as a self-awareness teacher and consultant. His literary work spans lyrical prose and poetry, with his bilingual collection Steps of Life receiving recognition at the Panorama International Poetry Festival 2023. Sardelis is also actively involved in various cultural associations, such as the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and the Panhellenic Union of Writers. He also actively participates in various cultural associations, such as the writers Foundation Capital and the “Parnassos” Literary Association.