Writers International Edition

The Sacred Becoming

In this time of bitter pauses, of screeching voices and deaths on the roads, the sirens muddy the calm sounds of quiet, like the distant rumbling of an imminent storm. It’s the trill of the phone, a voice that shatters glass, and the calls from the hospital, a black stain that tells stories of intertwined lives, of tears and words, with the insistent weight of pain.

So many withered flowers! Touches of decline and death, they exhale their last scent. Of a dusty life, memory is fading. The back and head bend, slumped to the ground, shattered, to those whose bitterness sinks deep into the soul. The gaze is polished with benevolent compassion, a caress on the heart of understanding.

Beyond the stories of disagreements and the lack of eloquent dialogue, the clock strikes 12. On this day, made of many yesterdays amalgamated together, glimpses of reality lead us to the desire for a tomorrow full of hopes, dreams that manifest themselves.

A sacred becoming, among cleared clouds, piercing snow, and radiant sun, overflowing with abysmal sadness with a note of peace, perhaps the suggestion of a waiting. For even in the storm, the seeds germinate. Hope is nourished in the golden sphere of smiles, in the clasping of hands, in lifting the veil of indifference, cultivating the seeds of love.

Like a stone thrown into a lake of dreams, the clouds disperse, the bewilderment and solitary crosses. In the sky, the seagull flies around the shining sun, promising us to find ourselves in the long-awaited possibilities.

Silla M. Campanini

About the Poet

Silla Maria Campanini, hailing from the picturesque city of Bologna, Italy, is an internationally acclaimed artist, educator, and cultural visionary. Known for her realistic, metaphysical, and symbolist works, her art transcends boundaries, weaving narratives of peace, harmony, and introspection. As an image educator and painting consultant, Silla has nurtured generations of artists and illuminated public institutions with her expertise. Beyond her artistic achievements, she has been a cornerstone of the Writers Capital International Foundation and the Panorama Festival, uniting a global community of creators through her tireless dedication. Her legacy, celebrated with the Lifetime Achievement Award, stands as a testament to the transformative power of art in bridging humanity.

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