Writers International Edition

Marx Bauzá: A Poet of Resistance, Eros, and Irony

Marx Bauzá was born in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, on a hot and rainy Sunday in November 1980, the same year John Lennon was assassinated, amidst the bloodiest Argentine military dictatorship. He lives in the hills of Las Talitas, near a Yungas forest. His work revolves around a constellation that includes poetry, narrative, contemporary art, trap music, and cinema.

He is drawn to turquoise green, like that of crayons, enjoys Campari with orange juice, and relishes dark chocolate, passion fruit, and kumquats in whiskey ice cream. Poetry lives within him, manifesting through various forms, voices, and textures. It is in the everyday that these voices emerge to express a quest. His personal experience reveals nuances where eros and thanatos intersect through the language of the ineffable, sublimating the human experience. For him, writing poetry is like throwing Molotov cocktails in times of crisis; it is a form of resistance against the established order. His poetry does not always dwell on love or sadness; he also invokes irony and comedy because laughter is necessary to escape the world’s violence. “We are the river,” Borges or Heraclitus might say. He laughs. He rains. He evaporates.

Bauzá has been featured in various poetry anthologies at local, national, and Latin American levels. Among the most notable are Se tens um dom, seja! (If You Have a Gift, Be It!), a Portuguese poetry anthology compiled by Bruno Black (Rio de Janeiro, Futurama, 2021); Poetas de Tucumán (1960 – 1990) compiled by Guillermo Siles and Soledad Martínez Zuccardi (Tucumán, Humanitas, 2021); Arde Chile (Chile Burns), a book compiled by the Pablo Neruda Foundation that gathers texts from 200 poets worldwide, in which Bauzá shares space with Slavoj Žižek. This anthology was distributed among the Constitutional Convention delegates who participated in the process of transforming the Andean country. Additionally, he was featured in La lira marica (The Gay Lyre), an anthology of homoerotic Argentine poetry compiled by Enzo Cárcano and Jorge Luis Peralta (Boulogne, Saraza, 2022).

Bauzá has published Reverso (La Plata, Club Hem, 2013), Los ideales y las flores (Las Talitas, Pensamientos, 2016), Efervescer (Arroyo Leyes, Arroyo, 2020), and Treinta poemas para ser leídos a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (Thirty Poems to Be Read Aboard the International Space Station) (Las Talitas, Letras de Fuego, 2023).

He has read at important poetry festivals, such as FILT (Tucumán), FIDEO (Tucumán), Festival Sumergible (Jujuy), Festival de poesía joven (La Rioja), FIPR (Rosario), and the First Meeting of Poets from the Northern Region at the XXI Book Fair (La Rioja). He served as a judge for the Literary Anthology for Diversity, organized and coordinated by the Secretariat of Women, Diversity, and Gender of the Ministry of Social Development of Tucumán province and Ingenio Cultural. Bauzá was responsible for the curatorial text of the joint work, which was published by Ediciones del Parque (2022).

He is the poetry curator for Tucumán in Mi aporte a que el puerto no importe (My Contribution to Making the Port Irrelevant). He directs Vamos Viendo (Let’s See), a poetry series. Bauzá is affiliated with several public libraries, including the Osvaldo Bayer Public Library, and was an active member of the Haroldo Conti Talking Library. He is also an executive member of the Writers Capital International Foundation based in India and Greece and is part of the working committee for the Panorama International Literature Festival, the largest global poetry event worldwide.

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