Writers International Edition

Writers Capital Youth Foundation (WCYF) Brings Warmth and Smiles to Phagwara Slum in Charity Initiative

Phagwara, India: In a heartwarming display of compassion and community spirit, the Youth Wing of Writers Capital International Foundation, known as Writers Capital Youth Foundation (WCYF), organized a charity event to distribute dresses to a slum area near Chandigarh in Phagwara, India. The event, held on Sunday, November 26, 2023, aimed to provide warmth and comfort to those in need during the beginning of the winter season.

Under the dedicated leadership of Adityamohan Nambiar, the Head of WCYF, the youth group collected a generous assortment of donated dresses, blankets, shoes, and more to be distributed among the children residing in the slum area near Urban Estate in Phagwara. This initiative was a response to the pressing need in the community, where many individuals endure the winter without adequate clothing or blankets to shield themselves from the cold.

The altruistic team, which included members Mukhil Munnilath and Ajasil Mohammed, collaborated with a local resident, Pavan Kumar, who played a crucial role in identifying those most in need within the community. Together, they worked seamlessly to bring warmth and joy to the lives of the slum’s children.

Winter in Punjab can be particularly harsh, and this charitable act by WCYF reflects a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate. By addressing the immediate needs of the community, the youth foundation aims to inspire others to contribute to similar initiatives that bring about positive change.

WCIF President, Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar, and Secretary General expressed their heartfelt congratulations to the Youth Wing for their inspiring act of kindness. They emphasized the significance of such events in fostering a sense of community and hope. The leaders of WCIF look forward to supporting and participating in more initiatives that resonate with the organization’s dedication to humanitarian values.


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