Writers International Edition




Which sea’s cry is not drowned in its silence, and which poem’s line can envision its color and love?

It is impossible to express in words the importance and sacrifice of a mother’s indispensable role in human life, every pen bows before the mother and accepts its defeat with a smile remaining in a vicious circle.

Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.

Mother is life, the mother is breath, the mother is excitement; the blood flowing in the veins.
Sibling, sister, distant neighbor, close friend, the smiling face of the house, the only address to turn to in your sadness, truth, while shedding tears of conscience.

Mother, the pages of history are the extension of the letters of bright days and ages, as deep as the ocean. She is the prayer arising from flowing waters, the thyme in the mountains, a lush paradise in the forest!

Life without a mother is like a barren land. She is both an enslaved person and a lady in her own house, while her absence is the most severe punishment.

The mother carries her baby in her womb for 9 months. She is the ear, mouth, tongue, and mirror of the child in all kinds of problems from infancy to adulthood. She feeds her baby, she sings lullabies to them for hours; when they get sick, she waits for days at her children’s feet to see them back to health.

She is like a tree that bears fruit, she creates life from nothing! She is the shelter of love; the warmth of the sun that satiates hunger and illuminates the dark nights. Yes, a mother is her child’s first teacher as much as she is a mother. Like her own mother used to be for her too.

A mother’s love needs to be given unconditionally to establish trust and a firm foundation of emotional intimacy in a child’s life.
She is the only person who has no demands except for our best future.

A mother is what exists below God. For she offers unconditional love; love without measure. The labor of mothers while trying to raise their children cannot be compared with anything. For this reason, mothers are equated with heaven.
These verses are my gift to all our mothers who have lived and are living in this universe.

Caroline Laurent Turunc
©Caroline Laurent Turunc

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER poem by vaslilici

THE OTHER SIDE OF AETHER: Poem by Vasiliki Dragouni

Darkness is approaching my window,
looks thoughtfully at my tangled hands
and withdraws into silence.

You live there now, where you can hear the voices of the sea,
where you can wear snow-like a garment around your shadow.
You wander in the twilight of strange dreams
like an angel who lost her way.
You move like a flash of light in the river at the edge of sunset.
You recall the memories of trees in the loneliness of autumn
and then you withdraw into silence like an absence.

I speak to you through the universe of silent things
with the white vowels of the sky.
Here, in a landscape of hearing where languages ​​hush
I won’t be waiting for you to answer me.
Here, where I can hear your voice
calling me out of sleep as the other side of aether,
there is no need to hug me anymore.

I look out of my window at night constellations
searching in the abyss for your fading face.
I believe in what has not been said yet, mother.

Poem by
Vasiliki Dragouni
© Vasiliki Dragouni 2022


dr. shalini yadavProf. Dr. Laksmisree Banerjee is an established Poet, Writer, Editor, Literary Critic, Educationist, Humanist, International Scholar, Rotarian (a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow) & practicing Vocalist, with many National and International Awards, Assignments, Books & Publications to her credit. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar, Commonwealth Scholar and a National Scholar in English from the Calcutta University, India. A University Professor of English, Poetry & Cultural Studies, an Ex-Vice Chancellor of Kolhan University, she has taught, lectured & recited in Universities and Literary Festivals across the globe. She has been widely anthologized with Eight Books of Poetry (the Ninth and Tenth forthcoming) One Hundred Twenty Research Publications and Several Academic Books. Of the many Awards she has received, a special few need to be mentioned viz. Sahitya Akademi’s “Avishkar” Honour for her multiple expertise, cited as “A Scholar-Artiste and Poet-Musician”, her UGC Postdoctoral Research Award for her path-breaking Literary Work on the Comparative Studies of World Women Poets, the Honour of The Connossiuer of Creative & Literary Arts by the Tunisian-Asian Poetic Society, the Kala-Ratnam Award and the Reuel International Lifetime Achievement Award 2021,among others. Dr. Banerjee happens to be the Indian Rashtrapati’s Nominee on Boards of Central Universities & believes in using her Pen and Voice for Social Justice, Transformation, Peace & International Understanding.