Writers International Edition




ΑΕΡΑΣ: Είναι η θερμοκοιτίδα μέσα στην οποία συντελείται η γήινη ζωή, μέχρις ότου ο ΕΡΩΤΑΣ την ανατάξει σε ανώτερη και Ουράνια.

Είναι άπειρο το Σύμπαν, από άπειρα μικρά.
Κόσμοι νάνοι, κοσμακτίνες, θάλασσες, φωτός ροή.
Φωτοβόλοι κβαντοκόσμοι και παλλόμενοι αυλοί.
Υμνωδοί τ’ απείρου κάλλους, χορευτές και μελωδοί.

Ένα θραύσμα από λάβα, η μικρή κουκίδα Γη.
Έπεσε σε συναστρία, σ’ ένα κόσμο θαλπωρής.
Την σπαργάνωσαν οι μοίρες, την ευνόησαν οι Νόμοι,
και την προίκισε το Σύμπαν, να ‘ναι η Μήτρα της ζωής.

Κι’ έγινε η πρώτη Μάνα, του Θεού επιλογή,
φυτικών κι’ εμβίων όντων, κιβωτός μοναδική.
Γήπεδο Άθλησης και Πάλης. Ένα Θεϊκό πεδίο,
που παλεύουν δυό δυνάμεις, το θηρίο με το Θείο.

Δειλά, δειλά εθώπευε, το σάβανο της Κόρης.
Τους πάγους ο Ήλιος έλειωνε, ζέσταινε το κορμί της.
Δειλά, δειλά οι αχτίδες του, εσκόρπιζαν τα νέφη.
Τον Έρωτά τους χαίρονταν. Κένταγαν τη ζωή της.

Τη Μάνα Γη τη φάσκιωσε, μ’ αέρινη κουβέρτα,
του Σύμπαντος ο Τέκτονας και όρισε τους Νόμους,
να ζουν όλα τα πλάσματα μ’ ασφάλεια και θάλπος.
Να μάχονται αέναα, Τυφώνες και τους Κρόνους.

Είναι ο ΑΕΡΑΣ, η ΠΝΟΗ, το φίλτρο κάθε ρύπου,
εντός του τήκει και σκορπά, τα θραύσματα της Μάχης,
μετεωρίτες κύματα, και κοσμικές ακτίνες,
τα εξαγνίζει η φωτιά. Και πλέει το καράβι,
για άγνωστες Οδύσσειες, με πλώρη μια Ιθάκη.

Πλέει μ’ ασπίδες άτρωτες, αντικρυστά στον Ήλιο.
Γράφει τροχιές ελλειπτικές, ρυθμίζει τις εστίες,
και ζει η Γη τις εποχές, του θέρους και του τρύγου,
τους οργασμούς της Άνοιξης, δίνες και τρικυμίες.

Δεν θάταν η Γη παράδεισος, των Νόμων εργαστήρι,
της ύλης το πνευμάτωμα. Θάταν κρανίου τόπος.
Στείρα από μνήμες. Κόλαση. Δεν θάχε Ιστορία.
Το Σύμπαν θάτανε νεκρό. Ύβρις και ουτοπία.
Τώρα η Γη είναι Ναός, του Σύμπαντος η δόξα.
Ιερουργεί ο Άνθρωπος, σηκώνεται και πέφτει.
Ψάχνει να βρει βηματισμό. Τον δρόμο προς τα ‘στέρια,
τον Μέγα Κόσμο, τον Μικρό. Να βρει σταθμά και μέτρα.

Ψάχνει να βρει ποιός μέσα του, εμφύτεψε τα πάθη.
Το Αίσθημα και την ψυχή, τ’ Άκτιστο Φως, το Κάλλος.
Τ’ αντίθετα να μάχονται. Την ΠΑΛΗ, την ΑΝΑΓΚΗ.
Τον πρώτο Θεό, τον ΈΡΩΤΑ. Την θελκτική ΕΛΠΙΔΑ.
Το ριζικό, τη μοίρα του. Αίτιο και Αιτία.

Είναι ο ΕΡΩΤΑΣ Πνοή, και της ψυχής η φλόγα.
Των Αισθημάτων άναμμα, της Νόησης το Δόρυ.
Σπερμοδοτεί τα Άγονα, τα άθεα Θεώνει,
και κυβερνά τα άνομα, τ’ αχρεία ημερώνει.

Ο ΈΡΩΤΑΣ πρώτος Θεός, Μητέρα και Πατέρας,
κάθε ηδονής και θέλγητρου. Πάθος Δημιουργίας.
Του Πόρου Γιος πρωτογενής. Μάνα του η ΠΕΝΙΑ.
Πλήττει τα φαύλα κι’ ασεβή, φόβο και δυστυχία.

Μέθυσε ο Πόρος με κρασί, στα Δώματα του Δία,
και στις Αγκάλες έπεσε του Ύπνου κι’ εκοιμήθει.
Επαίτης η ΠΕΝΙΑ έκλεψε, σπέρμα και ευψυχία,
και γέννησαν τον ΕΡΩΤΑ, τον Νικητή της Βίας.

Φυσά ο ΑΓΕΡΑΣ δροσερός, το ΧΑΟΣ ανασαίνει.
Έρχεται η ΓΗ ευρύστερνη. Ακολουθεί ο ΕΡΩΣ,
Αιώνιος, λαμπρός και φλογερός. Δημιουργός της Φύσης.
Πρώτος και πάνω απ’ τους Θεούς. Ευγονιτής και Μύστης.

Είναι ο ΑΕΡΑΣ η Τροφός, της Γης ο ζωοδότης.
Κι’ ο ΕΡΩΤΑΣ πρώτος Θεός. Νικάει πριν την ΜΑΧΗ.
Είναι τ’ Απείρου σύζευξη, με το πεπερασμένο,
θεμέλιο πρωτογενές, Σύμπαντος και της Πλάσης.

ΑΕΡΑΣ κι’ ΕΡΩΣ, τ’ άρμενα, γήινα και Ουράνια,
ο Σεβασμός και η Αιδώς, το Ήθος και το Δίκιο.
Είναι κανόνες άβατοι, στα υλικά και Θεία.
Αυτοί δομούν τον νέο Γιό, τον Άφρονα κι’ Αγροίκο,
σε Γιο Φωτός και μέτοχο, στον πατρικό το κλήρο.

Αυτοί ανάβουν τ’ Άγιο Φως και τη φωτιά του ΑΓΚΝΙ
Τους φανοστάτες σ’ άβυσσους, στης Γης τους διαδρόμους.
Να βρουν του ΕΡΩΤΑ αρμούς, της Αθηνάς το δόρυ.
Νιρβάνες της Ανατολής, την Μεσογαία Κόρη,
Για να συνθέσουν δίπολα, την κβαντική την ΠΟΛΗ.
Να βρουν βαθιά στο ΕΙΝΑΙ τους, την δυική μορφή τους.
Να βρουν τι είναι η ΖΩΗ, τι ΗΘΟΣ, τι ΝΙΡΒΑΝΑΣ.
Ποιος είναι ο δρόμος, ποια η ΑΡΧΗ, ο στοχασμός, η Πάλη.
Ποια η ΕΛΠΙΔΑ η όμορφη και ποια η ΕΙΜΑΡΜΕΝΗ.

Να βρουν αρμούς πολιτισμών, παράλληλες Οδεύσεις.
Να βρουν στου ΑΓΚΝΙ τ’ άδυτα τον Ίνδρα, την Θεώνη,
τη Γνώση, τη Σοφία τους, τον δρόμο τους προς τ’ άστρα,
την Πολιέα ΑΘΗΝΑ, και το κοινό τους ΚΑΡΜΑ.

Να βρουν θαμμένους θησαυρούς. Δυό κόσμων τη Σοφία,
τη Μεσογαία ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, του Όλυμπου το Κράτος.
Του ΑΓΚΝΙ την ενέργεια, την Όμορφη ΕΛΠΙΔΑ.
Και την Πανώρια την Θεά, την κόρη την ΑΓΙΑ,
για ν’ αποτάξουν το κακό, με φως την Εσπερία.

Να βρουν κοινούς Αλγόριθμους, τον Θεϊκό τον ΛΟΓΟ,
άτμητο κι’ αδιαίρετο, τον ΑΓΚΝΙ και τον ΔΙΑ.
Την άμωμη πολέμαρχο, την Μάνα Παναγία,
να γεφυρώσουν τ’ άβατα, διχόνοια και την βία.

ΑΓΚΝΙ, ο ΔΙΑΣ, κι’ ο ΕΡΩΤΑΣ, μορφοποιούν τη Γνώση.
Των Νόμων των Αγέννητων, το Χάος και την Τάξη.
Μαζί δομούν τ’ αντίθετα, την Θεϊκή Ουσία
και φωταυγάζουν το καλό, μ’ αγώνα και θυσία.

Ομνύουν πρώτοι στο Θεό, τον σύμφυτο εντός μας.
Βέδες κι’ Ολύμποιοι μαζί, έχουν τα ίδια πάθη.
Είναι δυνάμεις κοσμικές, καθείς κι’ ο Μέγας Τέκτων,
ψάχνει το μείγμα τ’ άριστο, τα πάντα ν’ ανατάξει.

Σ’ ένα άλλο Σύμπαν Ηθικό, μια κβαντοκοινωνία.
Μια κοινωνία αδελφών, πνευμάτωμα της ύλης,
πούναι τα πάντα άχρονα και τ’ Άπειρο το ΕΝΑ.
Ύλη και πνεύμα μια ψυχή. Η Θεοφόρα Φύση.
Σκάλα ν’ ανέβεις προς το φως, σε Θεϊκά λημέρια.


Θεόδωρος Δάλμαρης



«Πρώτα υπήρξε το Χάος και ύστερα η Μητέρα Γη, η ευρύστερνη. Και μετά ο Έρως, αιώνιο και σταθερό θεμέλιο της φύσης όλης.» Ησίοδος
«Πρώτος και πάνω από όλους τους Θεούς είναι ο Έρωτας.» Παρμενίδης
Η ΕΛΠΙΔΑ, ως η ουσία της αναπτυγμένης συναισθηματικής και γνωστικής νοημοσύνης είναι η αυτοπεποίθηση, η θέληση και η πίστη, που διά της ΠΑΛΗΣ επιτυγχάνει κάποιος τους στόχους του. Προσωποποιείτε από την όμορφη κόρη που κρατάει ένα κλαδί ροδιάς. Με το δεξί της χέρι, δείχνει τα αστέρια. Με το αριστερό της χέρι ακουμπάει σε μια σκουριασμένη Άγκυρα, που δηλώνει τη Γνώση και την πείρα που αποκτάται από κάθε Οδύσσειά μας.
Είναι η Κόρη που ανάβει τη φωτιά του Έρωτα. Του Έρωτα των σωμάτων της Αφροδίτης και του Ουράνιου Έρωτα, της Δημιουργίας της όλο και μεγαλύτερης Γνώσης και της γέννησης του ευγενούς πάθους για Ελευθερία. Είναι η πανωραία Κόρη, ο πυροκροτητής της πτήσης προς όλο και μεγαλύτερες κατακτήσεις, προς όλο και φωτεινότερους Ουρανούς με αποδέκτη ΕΚΕΙΝΗ.
Η ΑΝΑΓΚΗ, κατά την Ελληνική μυθολογία, είναι μια Θεά με καταλυτική γονιμοποιό κοσμική δύναμη, σύνθρονος με την ΕΛΠΙΔΑ και την ΠΑΛΗ. Η ΠΑΛΗ είναι επίσης μια κοσμική Θεά υπέρ της οποίας παρορμάται κάθε Άνθρωπος. Οι παρά πάνω κοσμικές Θεές, ΠΑΛΗ, ΑΝΑΓΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΛΠΙΔΑ αποτελούν τις θεραπαινίδες της υπερθεάς ΕΙΜΑΡΜΕΝΗΣ, δηλαδή της Ανθρώπινης Μοίρας.
Το ΣΥΜΠΑΝ σύμφωνα με τις σύγχρονες επιστημονικές παραδοχές, είναι μια συνειδητή οντότητα με νοημοσύνη, αλληλέγγυα και σε αμοιβαιότητα με την Ανθρώπινη νόηση, τις ψυχικές και τις βιοτικές ανάγκες μας.
Το ΣΥΜΠΑΝ αρχίζει να μοιάζει περισσότερο με μία μεγάλη νόηση, παρά με μία
μεγάλη μηχανή. Είναι μια ψυχική οντότητα και όχι υλική.
Είναι συμπερασματικά ο Θεός.
Η συνειδητότητα της Ανθρωπότητας, δημιουργεί το υλικό Σύμπαν και όχι το υλικό Σύμπαν την συνειδητότητα της Ανθρωπότητας.
ΠΟΡΟΣ: Γιος της Μήτιδος, της πρώτης συζύγου του Δία. Βγήκε μεθυσμένος από το τραπέζι των Θεών και κοιμήθηκε στο παγκάκι του κήπου του Δία.
Η ΠΕΝΙΑ, ψάχνοντας στους κάδους των απορριμμάτων, είδε των Πόρο κοιμώμενο, ξάπλωσε κοντά του και συνευρέθηκε μαζί του. Έτσι γεννήθηκε ο ΕΡΩΤΑΣ.


ΑΓΚΝΙ: Θεότης της Βεδικής Θρησκείας, προσωποποίηση της φωτιάς που είναι παρούσα στις θυσίες και ενώνει τον ορατό κόσμο με τον αόρατο κόσμο των Θεών.
ΙΝΔΡΑ: Ινδική Θεότης. Στις Βέδες ασκεί την κυριαρχία στον Θείο Κόσμο. Θανάτωσε τον Δράκοντα ΒΙΤΡΑ, που παρεμπόδιζε τα νερά – σύμβολο της παγκόσμιας ζωής – να κυλίσουν πάνω στη Γη. Είναι παρόμοιες Θεότητες με τους: Απόλλωνα, τον Δία και Ηρακλή.
ΝΙΡΒΑΝΑ: Το υπέρτατο κατά τον Βουδισμό αγαθό της εκμηδένισης του ΕΓΩ. Είναι προϋπόθεση της ανάταξής μας στο επίπεδο της παγκόσμιας τάξης.
ΚΑΡΜΑ: Ινδουιστική διδασκαλία για την ύπαρξη μιας αλληλουχίας ζωών.
Η Ηθική ενέργεια που απορρέει από τις πράξεις ή τις επιλογές μας.
Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΛΟΓΟΣ ΚΑΙ Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ, έχουν πολλές ομοιότητες, ίσως και πλήρη ταύτιση μεταξύ τους.
Διακρίνω μια απελευθερωτική διάσταση του Ελληνικού ΛΟΓΟΥ, διά της ΑΓΑΠΗΣ και του ΕΡΩΤΑ των σωμάτων, του ΕΡΩΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΗΣ, ο οποίος στην εξιδανίκευσή του ανατάσσεται σε ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟ ΕΡΩΤΑ.
Ο Ουράνιος ΕΡΩΤΑΣ εξακτινώνει τον Άνθρωπο και τον καθιστά ικανό να επιτύχει τα πάντα, μέσα από την αδήριτη και αιώνια ΠΑΛΗ.
Αυτοί οι δύο πολιτισμοί, ίσως κρύβουν μέσα τους την Θεία δύναμη για την σωτηρία και την ανάταξη του κόσμου μας. Την απελευθέρωσή τους από όλους τους δυνάστες Θεούς και θνητούς, και στην αναγόρευση του εαυτού μας, στον εντός μας εν δυνάμει Θεό του Φωτός.


AIR: It is the incubator in which earthly life occurs until LOVE elevates it
to a higher and Heavenly state.

The Universe is infinite, composed of countless small parts.
Dwarf worlds, cosmic rays, seas, the flow of light.
Radiant quantum worlds and pulsating flutes.
Hymnists of infinite beauty, dancers, and melodists.

A fragment of lava, the tiny dot of Earth.
It fell into cohibition, in a world of warmth.
The Fates swaddled it, the Laws favored it,
and the Universe endowed it, to be the Matrix of life.

And it became the first Mother, the choice of God,
a unique ark of plants and living beings.
A field of athleticism and struggle. A Divine field,
where two forces fight, the beast and the Divine.

Gently, gently, it caressed the shroud of the Maiden.
The Sun melted the ice, warming her body.
Gently, gently, its rays scattered the clouds.
They enjoyed their Love. They kindled her life.

Mother Earth was swaddled in an airy blanket,
by the Architect of the Universe, and He set the Laws,
so that all creatures live with safety and warmth.
To eternally fight, Typhoons and the Cronosus.

AIR is the BREATH, the filter of every pollutant,
within it melts and disperses, the fragments of the Battle,
meteor waves, and cosmic rays,
purified by the fire. And the ship sails on,
to unknown Odysseys, with Ithaca as its bow.

It sails with invincible shields, facing the Sun.
It writes elliptical orbits, regulates the focal points,
and Earth experiences the seasons, of summer and harvest,
the orgies of Spring, eddies, and tempests.

Earth would not be a paradise, a workshop of Laws,
the spiritualization of matter. It would be a wasteland.
Sterile of memories. Hell. It would have no History.
The Universe would be dead. Hubris and utopia.

Now Earth is a Temple, the glory of the Universe.
Man officiates, rises and falls.
He seeks to find his pace. The path to the stars,
the Mega World, the Small. To find measures and scales.

He seeks to find who implanted within him, the passions.
The emotions and the soul, the Uncreated Light, the Beauty.
The opposites to fight. STRUGGLE, NECESSITY.
The first God, EROS. The alluring HOPE.
His destiny, his fate. Cause and Effect.

EROS is Breath, and the flame of the soul.
The ignition of Feelings, the Mind’s spear.
It fertilizes the Barren, deifies the godless,
and governs the lawless, tames the unruly.

EROS is the first God, Mother and Father,
of every pleasure and charm. Passion of Creation.
Son of Resourcefulness. His mother is POVERTY.
It strikes the vile and impious, fear, and misery.

POROS got drunk with wine, in the Houses of Zeus,
and fell into the Arms of Hypnos, sleeping deeply.
Beggar POVERTY stole, seed and courage,
and they gave birth to EROS, the Conqueror of Violence.

A cool BREEZE blows, CHAOS breathes.
Broad-breasted EARTH comes. EROS follows,
Eternal, bright, and fiery. Creator of Nature.
First and above the Gods. Procreator and Mystic.

AIR is the Nourisher, the life-giver of Earth.
And EROS the first God. He wins before the BATTLE.
It is the union of the Infinite, with the finite,
the primary foundation, of the Universe and Creation.

AIR and EROS, the sails, earthly and Heavenly,
Respect and Modesty, Ethics and Justice.
They are inviolable rules, in substance and the Divine.
They form the new Son, the Foolish and Rustic,
into a Son of Light and a shareholder, in the paternal inheritance.

They light the Holy Light and the fire of AGNI
The lampposts in abysses, in the corridors of Earth.
To find the bonds of EROS, the spear of Athena.
Nirvanas of the East, the Daughter of the Middle Earth,
to compose dipoles, the quantum CITY.

To find deep within their BEING, their dual form.
To find what LIFE is, what ETHICS, what NIRVANAS.
Which is the path, which is the BEGINNING, the contemplation, the STRUGGLE.
Who is the beautiful HOPE and who is DESTINY.

To find the bonds of civilizations, parallel Paths.
To find in the sanctuaries of AGNI, Indra, the Goddess,
their Knowledge, their Wisdom, their path to the stars,
the Athena Polias, and their common KARMA.

To find buried treasures. The Wisdom of two worlds,
the Middle Earth DEMETER, the Power of Olympus.
The energy of AGNI, the Beautiful HOPE.
And the All-beautiful Goddess, the Holy Daughter,
to banish evil, with the light of the West.

To find common Algorithms, the Divine LOGOS,
indivisible and undivided, AGNI and ZEUS.
The unsullied warrior, the Mother Virgin,
to bridge the inaccessible, discord and violence.

AGNI, ZEUS, and EROS, shape Knowledge.
The Unborn Laws, Chaos, and Order.
Together they shape the opposites, the Divine Essence
and illuminate the good, with struggle and sacrifice.

They pledge first to God, the inherent within us.
Vedas and Olympians alike, have the same passions.
They are cosmic forces, each the Great Architect,
seeking the perfect mixture, everything to elevate.

To another Ethical Universe, a quantum society.
A society of brothers, the spiritualization of matter,
where everything is timeless and the Infinite ONE.
Matter and spirit one soul. The God-bearing Nature.
A ladder to ascend towards the light, to Divine havens.

Theodoros Dalmaris.

“First there was Chaos and then Mother Earth, the broad-breasted. And then Eros, the eternal and steadfast foundation of all nature.” – Hesiod
“First and above all the Gods is Eros.” – Parmenides
HOPE, as the essence of developed emotional and cognitive intelligence, is self-confidence, will, and faith, achieved through STRUGGLE. Personified by the beautiful maiden holding a pomegranate branch. With her right hand, she points to the stars. With her left hand, she rests on a rusty Anchor, signifying the Knowledge and experience gained from each Odyssey. She is the Maiden who lights the fire of Love (EROS). The Love of the bodies of Aphrodite and the Heavenly Love, of Creation through ever-growing Knowledge and the birth of noble passion for Freedom. She is the all-beautiful Maiden, the detonator of the flight towards ever-greater achievements, towards ever-brighter Heavens with her as the recipient.
NECESSITY, according to Greek mythology, is a Goddess with a catalytic fertilizing cosmic power, enthroned with HOPE and STRUGGLE. STRUGGLE is also a cosmic Goddess urging every Human Being. These cosmic Goddesses, STRUGGLE, NECESSITY, and HOPE, are the handmaidens of the supreme Goddess FATE, the Human Destiny.
The UNIVERSE, according to contemporary scientific assumptions, is a conscious entity with intelligence, in solidarity and reciprocity with Human cognition, psychic and vital needs. The UNIVERSE begins to resemble more a great mind than a great machine. It is a psychic entity and not material. Conclusively, it is God.
The consciousness of Humanity creates the material Universe and not the material Universe the consciousness of Humanity.
POROS (RESOURCEFULNESS): Son of Metis, the first wife of Zeus. He came out drunk from the table of the Gods and slept on the bench in Zeus’s garden. POVERTY, searching the garbage bins, saw Resourcefulness asleep, lay down beside him, and consorted with him. Thus LOVE (EROS) was born.
AGNI: Deity of the Vedic Religion, personification of fire present in sacrifices and uniting the visible world with the invisible world of the Gods. INDRA: Indian Deity. In the Vedas, he exercises dominion over the Divine World. He killed the Dragon VITRA, who prevented the waters—a symbol of universal life—from flowing over the Earth. Similar Deities include: Apollo, Zeus, and Heracles. NIRVANA: The supreme good according to Buddhism, the annihilation of the EGO. It is a prerequisite for our elevation to the level of the universal order. KARMA: Hindu doctrine of the existence of a sequence of lives. The moral energy resulting from our actions or choices. THE GREEK LOGOS AND THE LOGOS OF THE EAST have many similarities, perhaps even complete identification with each other. I discern a liberating dimension of the Greek LOGOS through the LOVE and EROS of the bodies, the EROS OF APHRODITE, which in its idealization ascends to HEAVENLY EROS. Heavenly EROS emanates Man and makes him capable of achieving everything, through the inexorable and eternal STRUGGLE. These two cultures may harbor within them the Divine power for the salvation and elevation of our world. Their liberation from all tyrannical Gods and mortals, and the declaration of ourselves as the potential God of Light within us.


article on the side effect of covid vaccine

The Never-Ending Nightmare: Living with AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Legacy

It started as just another ordinary day. I was comfortably seated at my desk, focused on writing the next chapter of my book. Suddenly, an intense tightening gripped at my chest – a sensation I had never experienced before. At first, I tried to dismiss it, thinking it was simply indigestion or muscle strain. But the constricting chest pain only worsened over the next several minutes.

Fearing the worst, I quickly called my friend, a cardiologist, who urged me to go to the hospital immediately based on my symptoms. My mind raced as I rushed to the nearby hospital where I was barraged with tests and monitoring – ECGs, blood work, and ultrasound scans. The diagnosis was ultimately a major relief: no heart attack, but rather a concerning cardiac event likely stemming from a blood clotting issue. However, that fleeting relief was quickly replaced by dawning horror.

The medications I was prescribed were ones typically used to treat heart failure and prevent future strokes. The blood thinners and hypertension drugs would now be a permanent part of my daily regimen to reduce my risk of compounding events. I am not sure what could be the possible reasons for this. Though I stick to a healthy moderate diet, probably a sedentary lifestyle could be one of the reasons. Perhaps this could have resulted from a possible COVID infection that never showed any symptoms – however, what haunts me is the number of deaths happening around me due to the possible side effects of Covishield, a vaccine that was rolled out during the outbreak of the pandemic.

In a concerning development, AstraZeneca has now announced the global withdrawal of its Covid-19 vaccine developed with Oxford University. The move comes after months of reports linking the shot to rare but potentially life-threatening blood clotting issues. While AstraZeneca cites commercial reasons for halting production of its adenovirus vector vaccine, the withdrawal leaves millions who received it worried about their future health. The company is already facing major lawsuits over claims the vaccine caused deaths and serious injuries like thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), which leads to abnormal blood clots and low platelet levels.

TTS was the driving force behind several countries temporarily pausing or restricting use of the AstraZeneca shot in 2021 after reports emerged of people experiencing clotting issues, some fatal. By then, the vaccine had already been administered to countless people globally through initiatives like India’s vaccination campaign.

In the wake of the withdrawal, serious concerns remain about potential long-term side effects. In India alone, there have been widespread reports of spikes in cardiac arrests, strokes, and other clotting events in the months following the vaccine rollout, with thousands of deaths. While not all cases can be directly attributed to the vaccine, the patterns are alarming.

For those already vaccinated with AstraZeneca’s formula, the future is fraught with uncertainty. They may need to live with a perpetual fear – never knowing if a deadly clot could unexpectedly end their lives or leave them severely disabled. Regular medical monitoring may be required for years or even decades to come.
The mental health toll could also be immense for the millions whose lives are now clouded by this threat. Constant anxiety and reliving moments where they or loved ones experienced potential side effects could lead to mental health struggles like PTSD, depression, and more.

While the benefits of Covid vaccines are clear from a societal perspective, the withdrawal highlights that even innovative pharmaceutical products approved for emergency use can sometimes have unforeseen negative consequences for individual patients. For those affected, there may be no closure as concerns about delayed effects linger indefinitely.

While the pharmaceutical giants behind Covid-19 vaccines like AstraZeneca have already reaped massive profits – figures that could sustain their operations for a lifetime – the human toll continues to mount. Political parties too cashed in, raking in huge sums through the pandemic via the opaque ‘electoral bond’ funding system. But the real costs have been borne by everyday citizens. It is the lives and wellbeing of millions that now hang in perpetual jeopardy due to rare but potentially catastrophic vaccine side effects.

Thorough investigations are still needed into all reports of serious AstraZeneca vaccine side effects and potential long-term impacts. But one thing is clear – the withdrawal has opened a Pandora’s box of potential health challenges for millions moving forward. Their lives may never be the same as they find themselves living in perpetual fear of the unforeseen. So is my life too!

As I put on a brave face and expressed gratitude that this hadn’t been far worse, the doctor’s words kept echoing: “We’ll have to be extremely vigilant about any new symptoms. Really, any headache, dizziness, or chest pains in the future could signal a larger event. …And you have no other options other than continuing the medication!”

Though I tried convincing myself that everything would be okay with proper treatment, a crushing existential weight settled over me. My life was now interminably tied to fear of the unknown. Would I wake up tomorrow? Next week? Next year? Or could any morning greet me with a stroke, heart attack, or worse – with my demise stemming from those fateful vaccine side effects? Who is the real killer here?

Modi’s Vision for Lakshadweep: Charting a New Course in Global Tourism

In the recent sojourn to the enchanting archipelago of Lakshadweep by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the world was treated to a visual symphony of azure waters, coral reefs, and untouched natural beauty. This idyllic destination, nestled in the embrace of the Arabian Sea, possesses a geography akin to the renowned Maldives. However, despite its comparable allure, Lakshadweep has yet to unveil its full potential in the realm of tourism.

In this exploration, let us embark on a journey to decipher the untapped possibilities that lie within the heart of Lakshadweep, envisioning a future where it stands not only as a rival but surpasses the Maldives as a premier global tourist destination.

The Unexplored Charms of Lakshadweep

Lakshadweep, with its pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and cultural richness, holds the promise of a paradisiacal escape. To harness this potential, a comprehensive strategy is imperative. Here are some innovative ideas to propel the tourism sector in Lakshadweep to unprecedented heights:

1. Sustainable Tourism:

Embrace a model of tourism that harmonizes with the fragile ecosystem of Lakshadweep. Implement strict regulations on waste management, promote eco-friendly accommodations, and educate both locals and tourists about the significance of preserving the archipelago’s natural beauty.

2. Cultural Experiences:

Enrich the tourist experience by offering immersive encounters with the unique culture of Lakshadweep. Organize cultural festivals, traditional dance performances, and artisanal showcases to provide visitors with a deeper understanding of the rich heritage that defines the islands.

3. Adventure Tourism:

Leverage the natural assets of Lakshadweep for adventure enthusiasts. Facilitate activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and water sports, transforming the islands into an adrenaline-seeker’s haven. Establishing world-class diving schools can further attract enthusiasts from across the globe.

4. Exclusive Retreats:

Introduce exclusive, high-end retreats that blend seamlessly with the unspoiled surroundings. Private resorts that prioritize privacy, luxury, and sustainability can appeal to discerning travelers seeking a unique and serene escape.

Facilitating Easy Access to Lakshadweep for a Tourism Renaissance

To unlock the full tourism potential of Lakshadweep, it is imperative for the government to prioritize and facilitate easy access to this enchanting archipelago. Here, we delve into the reasons why a concerted effort in this direction is not only beneficial but crucial for the flourishing future of Lakshadweep as a global tourist destination.

Lakshadweep’s geographical remoteness has been a double-edged sword. While it has preserved the islands’ natural splendor, it has also deterred potential visitors due to the perceived difficulty in reaching this idyllic destination. Recognizing this challenge is the first step towards devising a strategic plan for improved accessibility.

Key Considerations for Easy Access

1. Transport Infrastructure:

Develop and upgrade transportation infrastructure, focusing on both air and sea connectivity. This includes enhancing existing airstrips, increasing the frequency of flights, and improving maritime transportation facilities.

2. Airlines Collaboration:

Encourage collaborations with airlines to establish direct flights or convenient flight connections to Lakshadweep. Streamlining air travel can significantly reduce the perceived difficulty in reaching the islands.

3. Maritime Connectivity:

Strengthen sea routes and explore the feasibility of introducing regular ferry services. Improved maritime connectivity can cater to a broader demographic of travelers, including those seeking a more leisurely journey.

4. Tourist-Friendly Policies:

Implement policies that promote tourism-friendly practices, such as simplified visa procedures, reasonable ticket pricing, and incentives for travel agencies to include Lakshadweep in their itineraries.

A Glimpse into the Future

As the wheels of change begin to turn, Lakshadweep has the potential to evolve into a tourism haven that outshines even the most celebrated destinations. The path forward involves a delicate balance between economic development and environmental preservation.

In the coming years, envision a surge in global interest as Lakshadweep emerges as a symbol of sustainable and responsible tourism. The islands, once hidden gems, will take center stage, drawing visitors from every corner of the world. Through strategic planning and a commitment to preserving its natural allure, Lakshadweep is destined to carve its niche as one of the premier tourist destinations on the global stage.

In closing, let us embark on this optimistic journey, where the untapped potential of Lakshadweep blooms into a flourishing reality, setting the stage for a new era in global tourism.

Portrayal of Post Independence and Partition Struggle through Indian English Literature


The soul cum quintessence of patriotism is alive and flexing intensely in the hearts of millions of proud Indians. The 75th year of independence that is widely evident in a new India with a breed of youngsters, pragmatic and sensible representatives who are looking for new horizons to touch upon, need to realize and remember always how the country broke age old shackles of colonialism, got freedom and came out of post independence’ tear-jerking and heart-rendering traumatic experiences of horrendous partition where every person of the country was angst-ridden directly or indirectly. The independence got after almost two hundred years heaved under the yoke of British colonial rule has been documented in the historical chronicles but with mere facts and details of the deaths happened due to massacres and number of people who crossed the borders. Therefore it was literature only and literary writers such as Khushwant Singh, Ismat Chugtai, Amrita Pritam, Rajendra Singh Bedi, Saadat Hasan Manto, Sardar Singh Duggal, Bhishma Sahani and many more who described gut-wrenching scenes of devastating partition in their works and portrayed how humanity tattered into pieces and survived during hard times with a ray of hope for better future. This paper is an attempt to explore how Indian English Literature proved to be a canvas for the portrayal of struggle during partition time and till date, leaving imprints on upcoming generations via reading of outstanding literary texts to value the freedom got by ancestors’ efforts invoking nationalistic feelings inside for country’s all-inclusive growth.

Keywords: Independence; nationalism; partition; traumatic; canvas; literature; humanity.

Portrayal of Post Independence and Partition Struggle through Indian English Literature

Indian Writings in English is a product of historical confront between two cultures including Indian and Western Culture. It refers to the body of the works by authors in India who write in English and whose native or co-native language could be one of the numerous languages of India (Wikipedia). Moreover Indian English Literature is defined as “literature written originally in English by authors, Indian by birth, ancestry or nationality” (Naik).

Indian Literature in English deals with Indian subjects and backgrounds/ settings that can be rural or urban. Diversified culture of India is portrayed in the works using Indianized English and Indian feelings. Many works from regional languages have also been translated into English for the worldwide readers to know about Indian culture and issues. Indian English Literature

  • was initiated due to colonial encounter of India and Britain;
  • exchanged the culture, language and literature with Britishers;
  • opened new doors of knowledge, power and freedom to Indians;
  • led to literary renaissance in the country;
  • influenced the language of thinkers, philosophers, and reformers, and
  • assisted in resisting orthodoxy, superstitions and rituals, ill practices prevailing in the society. 

In Pre Independence era, Sake Dean Mahomed was the first one who had got his book published The Travels of Dean Mahomet in English adopting epistolary form. It was written in the form of thirty-eight letters. At the age of 11, Dean Mahomed had started working at the East India Company’s Bengal Army as a camp follower and he travelled all over the Gangetic plain, from Delhi to Dhaka over the period of next fifteen years. In 1996 a historian, Michael H. Fisher, talked about Sake Dean Mahomed’s work in his own scholarly work, The First Indian Author in English: Dean Mahomed (1795-1851). Though he is chronologically the first, yet it is not proven that Dean Mahomet’s work is the first one in the history of Indian English writing,

Raja Rammohan Roy’s essay “A Defense of Hindu Theism” is counted as the first original publication in expository prose form in the history of Indian writing in English. Raja Rammohan Roy was a great scholar and knew many languages including Bengali, Persian, Sanskrit, Arabic and English, moreover, he had read the Bible in Hebrew and Latin. Being a great social, religious and cultural reformer of the period, he founded the Brahmo Samaj in 1828. He is known in the country for fighting for women’s rights and leading a drive against the prevailing practice of sati. Knowing the importance of English, he wrote articles such as “practice of burning widows alive” and “Address to Lord William Bentinck” in English and wished to modernize the country.

Following the footsteps of Raja Rammohan Roy, in the pre-independence period, many poets and writers came into light and wrote in English or their work got translated into English from regional languages. Toru Dutt wrote poetry in both languages English and French whereas Nightingale of India Sarojini Naidua portrayed the festivals, occupations and life of the Indian. 

Indian Jewish poet Nissim Ezekiel has been considered as a pioneering figure who enriched the poetry with modernist innovations and techniques. Additionally Aurbindo Ghosh, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhay, Mulk Raj Anand and R K Narayan exhibited imperialism and Indian Culture in their works.

‘Viswa Kavi’ and visionary spirit Rabindranath Tagore revolutionized education and literature in India and was the first non-European to receive Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. He enriched literature and contributed to the freedom struggle in pre-Independence India by his incredible social reforms that assisted in uniting Bengal. His famous song Banglar Mati Banglar Jol (Soil of Bengal, Water of Bengal) helped in uniting the Bengali population. 

Further Tagore being against conventional classroom education, remodeled education as a holistic development process where teachers would be more like mentors, guiding students towards emotional, intellectual and spiritual upliftment, moreover he laid the foundation stone of Visva Bharati University. Tagore believed in the universality of man. The identity of India after independence was closely based on Tagore’s ideology of peace and universal brotherhood and he expressed his feelings through a poem ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’. He wanted a country after independence where everybody could have a right to express without fear.

Many nationalist leaders like Mahadev Govind Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, C Rajagopalachari, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru were excellent orators of English. All of them had good command over the language and promoted the learning of language in India in pre independence and post independence period.

Initially post independence literature faced some issues hence the writers and poets were struggling and going through identity crisis and the age was reflected as the painstaking age of ‘dark modernism’. Consequently the writings presented the clashes between traditional cultures and western modernity. Under the western influence, the concept of experimentation was also developed and literature of India that time perceived several key changes in terms of literary writings. Independence of India from British Rule was a turning historic episode with its socio-political significance that no one can deny till now. This happening of freedom struggle, attaining independence and partition struggle not only had an outstanding impact on the literary works done in various regional languages but also on Indian English Literature. 

Before independence, the whole nation was dreaming and struggling for achieving independence with mixed emotions of anguish and hope. But after attaining freedom from colonial power with an unusual condition of partition followed with riots in whole country, the whole nation was in double and mixed expression state. Happiness and hopefulness of better future at one side where social and economical growth were a part of its credo, and destruction, despair and blood shed due to partition were there to let everyone down on other side. 

The epitome of human sufferings was witnessed in various forms during the cataclysmic partition of India in 1947. Massacres and mutilation of human bodies were going on parallel with migration and uprootedness. Sexual assaults became quite common experience belilttling and terrifying women of that period, moreover loss of honour, property, relations, mental peace, sense of security, nationality, identity etc everything was on stake. The sentiments of the people who suffered at that time of partition have not been expressed in history books and chronicles hence these books have just collected the data and facts related to the procedure of partition. The real sufferings faced by people were portrayed through literature in most obvious way. Literaure has expressed and told the next generations of the country how people of that period suffered and no doubt it has left never ending impression on the hearts, minds and souls of the people. 

In the works of writers such as Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, Krishan Chandra, Rajendra Singh Bedi, Saadat Hasan Manto, Sardar Singh Duggal, Bhishma Sahani, B. Rajan, Amrita Pritam, Nanak Singh, Ismat Chugtai, Chaman Nahal, Yashpal, Kamleshwar and Khushwant Singh, there are some very emotional and heart-rending delineations about catastrophic and horrified partition which became more about despair than hope after the division. Their works are full of overwhelming and gut-wrenching scenes of devastating partition and description of the inner psychology of the characters who struggled and managed to live during hard times. That unbearable suffering was such a mental-physical state which caught the psyche of people in such a way that it can’t be cured with passing years and keeps bringing never-ending problems to society. 

“Today the legacy of 1947 looms larger than ever before on the subcontinent. Partition has actually proved to be a trauma from which the subcontinent has never fully recovered. But sadly, this is not reflected in its history writings, a fact that is lamented by many” (Roy 18). 

Many poets of that period lamented the bloodshed through their poetry. Few of such works are Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s ‘Subh-e-Azaadi’, Annada Shankar Ray’s ‘Khoka O Khuku’, Shiv Kumar Batalvi’s ‘Dudh Da Qatl’, Amrita Pritam’s ‘Waris Shah’, Agha Shahid Ali’s ‘By the Waters of Sind’ and Mehjoor’s ‘Azadee’ etc. which are translated in English too. Amrita Pritam’s poem ‘Waris Shah’ is one of the best illustrations to understand the disastrous condition of that time. She wrote the poem when she was going from Delhi to Dehradun through a train as a refugee and prayed through the following lines-

Today Waris Shah I call out to you

To speak out from the graves
Rise today and open a new page

0f the immortal book of love
A daughter of Punjab once wept

And you wrote many a dirge
A million daughters weep today

and look up at you for solace
Rise o beloved of the aggrieved

just look at your Punjab
Today corpses haunt the woods

Chenab river overflows with blood

Some one has mixed poison

In the Five Rivers of Punjab…


In India post independence people became more aware in terms of reading our own languages’ literature and beyond the boundaries started reading the literature of richer languages too. Translation work was initiated a lot and writers started publicizing their works stimulating a literary atmosphere. In addition technological advancement gradually left an impact on Indian literature but still partition time literature due to tragic setting is counted in the best including these novels such as Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan (1956), B. Rajan’s The Dark Dancer (1959), Attia Hosain’s Sunlight on a Broken Column (1961), Manohar Malgaonkar’s A Bend in the Ganges (1964), Amrita Pritam’s Pinjar (1956) and short stories like “Of Ram and Rahim” by Mahasweta Devi, “Toba Tek Singh” by Saadat Hassan Manto and “The Crossing” by Jotirmoyee Devi and many more.

The independence of India from British rule took its own price in the form of partition of the countries into two countries- India and Pakistan. The hearts and souls who became happy and cheerful with a thought of attaining freedom out of sudden became very sad and gloomy due to partition. The country was parted on religious parameters hence Pakistan turned into a Muslim state and India continued to be a secular country. The religious identities of the people became troublesome for them over nights and created chaos everywhere in the whole country espeacially in Punjab area. The divide and hatred between the communities of Hindus and Muslims grew wider and more grave. The partition smeared, smashed and turned the feeling of the light and brightness of freedom into darkness and gloom. The riots aroused on both sides of the border led to extreme destruction, mournfulness, and killing spree. The whole Indian society had got a set back by such diastrous condition of the country which was completely out of control. 

The tragic memories are still haunting people who were wounded, fractured and survived in that period.  Those terrifying scenes are well portrayed and depicted in the literature by writers and poets who suffered mentally and physically. How people suffered, struggled, migrated, became homeless, without a penny and food in that period can never be forgotten. More than eight million migrated and around one million were either killed or died. Our historical documentation doesn’t decribe in detail all that trauma faced by people and just calculates the numbers of migrated people and killed ones. The impression it left on people’s souls and psyche can never be erased.

Literature either English Literature or regional such as Punjabi, Hindu, Urdu, Bengali and English, in both type of, writers and poets have tried to describe the heinousness and havoc of tragic partition through characters and settings portrayed in the literary pieces touching the hearts of the readers to realize utmost what people exactly suffered. The terror overpowered their souls and body, the fear of losing everything, the insecurities, the pain to leave the roots behind, and the lose of reverence and homelessness everything has been skillfully portrayed and narrated in the stories in literature to reach the unreach.  

Everyone including normal populace to great leaders of the country experienced the same. Intensity could be little less or more but people of all states and religion suffered mentally, physically, psychologically as the mother earth was full of bloodshed and dead bodies. People were at one side filled with anxiety and fear, and another side with hope of upliftment of the country. Tahira Naqvi talks about what Ismat Chugtai
has written in her essay “Communal Violence and Literature”:

“The flood of communal violence came and went with all its evils, but it left a pile of living, dead and gasping corpses in its wake. It wasn’t only that the country was split into two bodies and minds were also divided. Moral beliefs were tossed aside and humanity was in shreds” (Naqvi 3).

Khushwant Singh’s most famous novel Train To Pakistan (1956) is a historical novel which is based on partition of India in 1947 and how the country was splitted by Britain- Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. It narrates how social and religious groups were rearranged and clashed violently. A human dimension is exhibitly meticulously by Khushwant Singh which brings to the event a sense of reality, horror, and believability. Train to Pakistan explored the themes of heart-throbbing ravages of war, cultural and social perception of partition time and religious practices etc. Depicting the moral paradox, Khushwant Singh says, “The bullet is neutral. It hits the good and the bad, the important and the insignificant, without distinction” (Singh 170).

A movie was also directed by Pamela Rooks, based on the novel given the same title Train to Pakistan. It was released in 1998 and nominated in Cinequest Film Festival, 1999 in the best feature film category.  The first chapter “Dacoity” of the novel was staged in the form of a play named ‘Train to Pakistan’ at Lamakaan- an open cultural space in Hyderabad, India that was adapted and directed by Krishna Shukla.

Amrita Pritam’s Pinjar narrated the gendered experience of the trauma, exploitation, sacrifices and sufferings of partition. It is an extraordinary saga that depicted the issues of displacement, marginalization, abduction, dual identity and powerlessness moreover, different dimensions of violence against women on religious, social and most prominently physical and mental levels. Further via the portrayal of character of Puro, Pritam brought forth the fact that women have been the prime victims in every communal strife, riots and wars. She highlighted that women are considered merely bodies and nothing more than bodies. The heart-breaking story symbolized the fate of thousands of women at the time of partition whose voices were silenced (Arora). Moreover Pinjar is a story which detailed how women were mutilated, sexually assaulted, raped, rotated naked in the surroundings, impregnated and fetus killed in the womb during the tremulous time of partition. Double yoke of patriarchy and dislocation oppressed them. In addition they were questioned in terms of chastity, purity and dignity though there was no fault of them.

The fifth novel of Khushwant Singh, Burial at Sea took the psychedelic insight into an individual’s life and the freedom struggle of India. The title sounds little spiritual but mundane affairs like societal, political and individual’s struggle are at prior. It’s a saga of an individual named Victor Jai Bhagwan who is made legendary in the novel because of his actions and economical support he provided to the country by industrialization while struggling for freedom. He took his first breath in slave India but he was determined to make India economically stronger and independent. ‘Modernize or perish’ was the slogan he gave to Indian industrialists to be a free and developed country. On the other hand, Gandhi and his followers were working to throw the Britishers out of the country. Khushwant Singh basically portrayed the two different kinds of strata of freedom fighters in the novel. 

In colonized India whereas one side people were fighting for freedom following Mahatma Gandhi credo of non-violence, celibacy and the boycott of everything foreign, some people with good fortune and reputation wanted their kids to study English to tell the British to their faces that it is time to buzz off from India and let Indians handle their own affairs. They found it the other way of bringing India honor and self-respect by worsening the British in their own law. 

Khushwant Singh’s different kind of representation supporting those who had been in guilt for being a slave to English custom by anglicizing their children is utterly an illustration of his sharp intellect. Krishan Lal hired a nanny governess Valerie Bottomley from London who changes Jai Bhagwan into Victor “the son of an English county gentleman: cravat, waistcoat, and stripped trousers… impeccable manners” (Singh 12). Later on because of her immense efforts, Victor got admission in Eton and went England to finish his higher education from there. He came back after finishing his studies and tried to industrialize the country but Gandhi was not in the favour of that.

Mahatma Gandhi strongly objected on the use of machinery, since in his time machines typically led to “the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few, extremely rich people” (Iyer 348). Today, of course, the situation is not like that. For example, information technology has led to decentralization of power, rather than centralization of it. But in that phase where colonial India was struggling for freedom, Gandhiji felt that industrialization will increase the problem of economic equality in the country later on. In K Kripalani’s book All Men Are Brothers, Mahatma Gandhi says,

“I cannot picture to myself a time when no man shall be richer than another. But I do picture a time when the rich will spurn to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor and the poor will cease to envy the rich. Even in a most perfect world, we shall fail to avoid inequalities, but we can and must avoid strife and bitterness.” (Kriplani 136) 

Gandhi supported an economic theory of simple living and self-sufficiency/import substitution. He envisioned for a more agrarian India after independence with a focal point to meet the material needs of its public prior to generating riches and industrializing. After Nehru, Victor Jai Bhagwan was Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite Indian- a brilliant young man with the temperament of a leader and fiercely committed to his country. Though Victor adored and respected Gandhi, he disagreed with the Mahatma’s vision for the future of India and moreover, he 

“…contradicted everything Gandhi stood for: handspun cloth, self-sufficient villages, very basic education…wanted to see an India which had modern textile mills, steel plants, automobile factories, huge dams and thousands of miles of canals, every village connected by road, more schools, colleges and hospitals.” (Singh 16) 

According to Gandhi, people “might achieve these material ambitions but in the process lose their souls and their Indianness” (Singh 19). He was also decisive about industrialization calling it an indefinite multiplication of wants. He said that the reliance on machinery will destroy man’s inseparable relationship with nature; moreover, this overdependence on machinery may demolish the stable and long-established agrarian village communities which are environment-friendly and which for him constituted the core of the nation’s strength, not just material, but ethical and spiritual. For Victor “it was more important to industrialize India, to make it economically strong. Because what freedom could there be without that?” (Singh 61)

People were in dilemma either to celebrate or to sing gloomy songs due to partition. It has been well portrayed in the novel by Khushwant Singh the way he described that Victor didn’t take part in the independence celebrations going on in Delhi though “the city was in festive mood with the Indian flag flying on all buildings and processions marching down the streets shouting slogans” (Singh 76). He was not happy thinking about future prospect he was looking at for the country and was completely disturbed by partition. The only one who looked happy at his home was his “little daughter, who went around Shanti Bhawan marching like a soldier carrying the tricoloured flag of Independent India and shouting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ (Long Live Mother India!)..” (Singh 75) 

Khushwant Singh has depicted the after effects of partition with excellent rhythmic gait and a sense of believability, horror and human emotions’ dimensions. He describes through the character of Victor that people had not dreamt for such freedom like Victor also didn’t in his younger days. The whole country was burning in the fire of partition, which Khushwant Singh has depicted with his in-depth knowledge about the after effects of partition- 

“Fratricidal war erupted on the subcontinent between Hindus and… Muslims…slitting each other’s throats from the banks of the Indus to beyond the Hooghly…the city was flooded with Hindu and Sikh refugees who had fled from Pakistan…they were living in ancient monuments, on footpaths and roundabouts.” (Singh 75) 

Victor felt too secluded than ever before because the British, the Congress and the Muslim League had distorted the country into something terribly unrecognizable. Khushwant Singh’s architectonic skills and profound critical insight into human emotions are extremely exceptional how he expressed the sufferings through the character of Victor in the story. 

Imprints and marks of partition memories on the hearts and minds of people are alive due to literature that can never be faded away. The startling narratives of many writers from the time of partition till today mention this catastrophic episode. In Borders and Boundaries: How Women Experienced the Partition of India Ritu Menon says, “The rending of the social and emotional fabric that took place in 1947 is still far from mended” (Menon 91). Though the suffering is Unsalvaged after the subcontinent was blooded, yet survived and colonizer or partition riots could not kill the spirit of the country.   

Henceforth post independence Indian English Literature is virtually synonymous with Post-colonial Indian English Literature. It continues to evoke colonial legacies in the contemporary society. It seeks to compete with English language fiction for International prizes like the Commonwealth Fiction Prize, and the Booker Prize, etc. Post-Independence Indian English fiction is rich in thematic content. Many writers such as Kamala Markandaya, Arundhati Roy, Nayantara Sehgal, Shashi Deshpande, Shobha De, Kamala Das, Vikram Seth, Amitav Ghosh, Bharati Mukherjee, Rohinton Mistry, Salman Rushdie, Shiv K. Kumar, Upmanyu Chatterjee and Manju Kapur and many more have contributed to the growth of Indian English Literature and popularized it in the country and abroad. Area of Indian English Literature is also broaden up by including Dalit issues, Feminist movements and LGBTQ writings in it and still continued to embrace new perspectives.

Dr Shalini Yadav
Professor, Department of English
Compucom Institute of Technology and Management
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Works Cited

  1. Arora, Rachna & Smita Jha. “Women’s Body as the site of Encroachment: A Critical Study of Amrita Pritam’s Novel Pinjar.” Social Science Review. Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2016. 
  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Indian_English_literature
  3. http://literaryvista.blogspot.com/2013/05/trends-in-indian-novels-in-english-in.html
  4. https://thewire.in/books/amrita-pritam-centenary
  5. Iyer, Raghavan. The Essential Writings of Mahatma Gandhi. Ed. (Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press, 1990), 348-402. 
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  7. Menon, Ritu. Borders and Boundaries: How Women Experienced the Partition of India. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1998.
  8. Naik, M. K. A History of English Literature. Sahitya Akademi, 2009.
  9. Naqvi, Tahira. (Trans.) Ismat Chugtai’s My Friend, My Enemy: Essays, Reminiscences, Portraits. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 2001.
  10. Roy, Rituparna. South Asian Partition Fiction in English: From Khushwant Singh to Amitav Ghosh. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010.
  11. Singh, Khushwant. Burial at Sea. Penguin Books India, 2004. 
  12. Singh, Khushwant.Train to Pakistan. 1956.