Writers International Edition


Collect your thoughts in poetry and participate in the Sixth Edition of the “Fino in Fondo” (All the way down) Literary Poetry Prize

The Prize is organised by the Libero Pensiero association to support the initiatives of Komen Italia, as a contribution to its breast cancer prevention activities, in memory of Francesca Voi, a young girl who fought for a long time against a terrible disease “Fino in fondo”. Francesca’s strength, courage, tenacious patience and will to live are an example for all those, men and women, adults and children, who are confronted with illness, pain, suffering and fear, or for those who strive ‘To the End’ for justice, dignity, equality and freedom.

Poetry gives body to emotions and allows even the most intimate and painful thoughts to be represented, processed and transformed, in order to share them with others, thus reducing their destructive force. There are two Sections of the Prize: the “Fino in fondo” (All the way down)” section; and the free theme section. The competition is open to all and runs until 10 September 2022. Lyrics in a foreign language are also admitted, provided they are accompanied by an Italian translation. The official language of the Prize I Italian.

Follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/premio.finoinfondo.

For info, write to: premio.finoinfondo@gmail.com . You can download the call for entries here: https://www.budur.it/BANDO-fino-in-fondo-2022.pdf

This Sixth Edition is supported in its promotion by the Writers Capital International Foundation, the Cultural Association “Di Terra e di Parole”, the National Association of War maimed and invalids – Barletta Branch; the National Association of Fighters and Redoubts – Barletta Branch.


  1. Irene Doura

    A really worthwhile cause in favour of all women fighting against breast cancer.

    We, as writers edition are always there to support.

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